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qazxcvbnmlpoiuytreww t1_j9id4sy wrote

i got pulled over for doing 44 in a 30 (fair enough), but literally a few minutes before an AMG and newfangled benz were ripping through traffic, no blinkers, legit almost caused an accident when the lane merged. mentioned it to the cop and he shrugged. kinda pissed me off ngl.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j9iisbf wrote

If they can't catch them they most likely won't pursue, this is pretty common with motorcycle crotch rocket riders but it applies in certain driving situations as well. Cop isn't gonna recklessly pursue you and potentially endanger others just to give you a ticket, especially if they weren't quick to draw. Kinda reasonable even though this is kinda the stuff that causes accidents. It would help if they did enforce the passing lane more against slow or camping drivers, it boggles my mind that people don't see an issue with a mile long line behind them and open road in front of them