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New_Stats t1_j9y69qm wrote

Avalon by the sea and egg harbor are very low key, family friendly. (Much less going on at night, less noise) but they're expensive.

Also they say egg harbor isn't named for the rotten egg smell that comes at low tide because of the sulfur content in the marshes but I don't believe them.


LilSebastainIsMyPony t1_j9z1u6f wrote

Seconding Avalon/Stone Harbor (same island). Mostly families, not a ton of nightlife. Very chill vibe.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ja0qkvz wrote

I mean technically Avon by the sea is only a mile down from Belmar, but Avon is great for families!


LilSebastainIsMyPony t1_ja0xcqn wrote

Avon by the sea is different than Avalon. You’re right, maybe that’s what Stats meant, and I assumed wrongly they meant Avalon on Seven Mile Island!