2017Recon t1_j7bifdz wrote
My daughters 17 year old boy friend has a mullet, can you help her with your mental health services or only him?
New_Stats t1_j7bj3d7 wrote
I wish I could help her but I don't know how to make teenagers understand me. "YOU HAVE HORRIBLE TASTE, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM ???" doesn't seem to work very well for some strange reason.
Maybe get her eyes checked, it could be an issue easily corrected with glasses.
hopopo t1_j7bk3iq wrote
Are we talking about Euro-trash mullets or Joe Dirt mullets?
matt151617 t1_j7bl3g0 wrote
That is definitely nothing you'll see in the north Jersey/populated area. 100% a relic of south Jersey/rural farmland.
6Emptybottles t1_j7blhzn wrote
I know for a fact from a friend who works in a salon she said the mullet is making a comeback with teenagers! Tik Tok influencers are why we can't have nice things :-)
NetPhantom t1_j7bv1d9 wrote
Counterpoint: You want a mullet rock a mullet.
reeny706 t1_j7bxrfs wrote
I wish. The trend is returning. My daughter wants a longer shaggier mullet.
Sirkitbreak99 t1_j7c6dbc wrote
Seriously it's 2023, you do you mullet people.
PezXCore t1_j7cua1k wrote
Mullets are in now, y’all are clearly too old to be commenting on young peoples trends now. Let kids be kids.
PezXCore t1_j7cuevl wrote
What kind of haircut did you have in your early 20s?
RandomThrowaway5959 t1_j7d587a wrote
I see TONS of mullets in Southern Bergen County these days
TriggerTough t1_j7d8cya wrote
So you're saying there's going to be no second date?
New_Stats t1_j7dcang wrote
Seriously it's 2023 stop repeating mistakes made in the past
New_Stats t1_j7dcjwd wrote
They will never ever look good on anyone. I will try to prevent kids from making mistakes.
New_Stats t1_j7dclxh wrote
Joe dirt
HawkTiger83 t1_j7dcvi9 wrote
PezXCore t1_j7dd2yp wrote
You could just let people dress or look how they want. It’s way less creepy.
New_Stats t1_j7ddx5s wrote
Saying mullets are usually ugly is creepy. That's pretty funny
Sirkitbreak99 t1_j7di6pc wrote
There are no mistakes in style and art. It's all subjective. However the same could not be said about your conception.
PezXCore t1_j7djdm7 wrote
Commenting on people’s appearances is creepy, my friend.
UFumbDuckGaming t1_j7djmkq wrote
All I see are the broccoli hair cuts these days.
Electrical_Stress_71 t1_j7dl2ej wrote
CMDR_Kantaris t1_j7dlqqk wrote
Must be looking in Monmouth county or further south
katsock t1_j7dmrb7 wrote
Idk your first post was nine hours ago and here you are, eight hours later, making the same mistake.
hipsteradonis t1_j7dny2t wrote
Mullets are cool again grandpa.
ThatsRobToYou t1_j7dtaf4 wrote
You know what? I'm just gonna wear my mullet harder now! To the Wawa!
imchasingentropy t1_j7dtga0 wrote
It's pronounced Deer-Tay
AnnaFlaxxis t1_j7dxw0o wrote
How dare people get haircuts you don't like!!!
IntoTheMirror t1_j7dz2cc wrote
Some-Imagination9782 t1_j7eblry wrote
Thank for your service and trying to keep NJ mullet free
Larrygiggles t1_j7edtrm wrote
Gentlemen of NJ, let me tell you that mullets are just fine and you look great.
ToastedSimian t1_j7eff2g wrote
Pretty fucking judgey. You are not my New Jersey.
cerialthriller t1_j7egsp4 wrote
I rocked a mullet for all of 2021 and it was fuckin awesome
kiLLxander t1_j7evv56 wrote
Business in the front, party in the back. Doesn’t get better than that.
Trauma_54 t1_j7f49c4 wrote
No mullet? 😢👉👈
tenPUNded t1_j7f7gjy wrote
Don’t forget your jean shorts!
tenPUNded t1_j7f7ndw wrote
Is this the new Stomp It Out campaign while the lanternflies are gone/hibernating (or whatever it’s called when we don’t see them because it’s cold)
New_Stats t1_j7fepwq wrote
Idk where you grew up but saying mullets are awful has been something that's happened in NJ for decades
New_Stats t1_j7few4o wrote
I'm just trying to keep young men from looking like they're sad 37 year olds who hasn't had sex since his now ex wife caught him in bed with a legal teenager, doesn't know how to cook and can barely take care of himself without her
ToastedSimian t1_j7ff1sv wrote
I grew up here, and you're correct - judgey assholes have been here for decades.
New_Stats t1_j7ff1vv wrote
They were never cool to begin with, and anyone who gets one will be haunted forever by the pics of them with a mullet. In ten years mullet havers today will still be mocked and rightly so
New_Stats t1_j7ff6a7 wrote
Saying a style of haircut is bad isn't creepy at all, you're just upset that I'm calling out an ugly haircut
New_Stats t1_j7ff82p wrote
>There are no mistakes in style
Of course there is
New_Stats t1_j7ffaxf wrote
It's what makes this state great :)
ToastedSimian t1_j7ffq4o wrote
Nah. The people I love in this state are the ones who say fuck it, do what you want as long as it doesn't effect me. Live your life, and stop worrying what other people decide to look like. Shallow and judgemental looks worse than any mullet. Enjoy your Monday.
Groovydogg t1_j7fjxnr wrote
When you pronounce it as a French word ("moo lay") its much more tolerable.
New_Stats t1_j7fkvxs wrote
Europeans call it forbidden hair.
Also here's a great song about mullets
New_Stats t1_j7fmjkw wrote
Dude, you lied about what NJ was like, to make yourself feel morally superior and when I pointed out how that just wasn't true you shifted to another talking point to make yourself feel morally superior.
And now you're trying to say that you like people who aren't judgy after being ridiculously judgy.
If you want to be around people who don't mock horrible fashion choices perhaps you'd feel more at home in Tennessee or something
farfacogin t1_j7fomb8 wrote
Maybe there a monthly calendar mullet model?
CopperPeak1978 t1_j7fyaw8 wrote
I point the blame at Patrick Mahomes. He sparked this Modern Mullet craze and it entered a grey area where some people got confused and thought full blownsies were back in biz.
SpankyMcDangle t1_j7g2mt9 wrote
Thanks for the earworm!
ToastedSimian t1_j7g7k4u wrote
I'm not really sure who you surround yourself with, but the people I've grown up with in NJ don't generally go on Reddit just to mock someone's style choices. I don't feel morally superior, I'm just not going to make a post that tells people what they should look like. I feel that's a shallow behavior and not representative of an entire state. But you're right. If that's the behavior you want to be part of, I shouldn't judge - you go be you
New_Stats t1_j7gosl4 wrote
I love the Vandals, their cover of Don't Stop Me Now by Queen is AMAZING
New_Stats t1_j7gpy6z wrote
really. You've never heard anyone comment a negative opinion about a trend, ever. That's unbelievable, in the "I do not believe you" sense, not the "That's impressive" sense of the term
FromTheOR t1_j7gyv9q wrote
How dare you
scaryclown148 t1_j7j6dbl wrote
I’m in the process of growing it out now and it will be glorious
New_Stats t1_j7k8y6z wrote
Ok but it's ONLY going to look good on you, and no one else
vsadiwbeck t1_j7s9mgf wrote
I live in Sussex County, and they’re EVERYWHERE. I see them all the time especially at kids sports games!
HydratedMemes t1_j7bid5l wrote
People get haircuts because they like the haircut. People don’t get haircuts for your enjoyment.