valeofraritan t1_ja0q6jd wrote
Other than slowing down the planet burning to a crisp, yes, but not overnight and people living closer to them will benefit more than someone in Sussex or Warren County. Atlantic City Electric's been using wind turbines for years, btw.
I've also read that there's a group in Texas behind the protests against wind energy in the Atlantic. They're active here, LI and in Rhode Island. Betting it's a fossil fuel backed group.
There's no evidence that the turbines have anything to do with the whale deaths. In fact, whale deaths off the coast have been going up steadily for years before this.
Belfordclamhound t1_ja0uw3x wrote
It's literally people who live in the coastal communities who are upset with the marine mammals dieing, keeping running with your big oil conspiracy. All the people I know who've grown up and worked around the coast of nj are concencerened and have never seen anything like what has been going for the last two months...
valeofraritan t1_ja11ogq wrote
The group, Texas Public Policy Foundation's (funded by conservatives like Koch and oil companies such as. Exxon, Chevron, coal companies and closely tied to the trump administration officials like Perry, who they've always backed and named their office building after are good at getting others to side with them by hitting emotional notes without providing actual proof. They do it in every jurisdiction they file lawsuits against environmentally friendly projects in. They're well-known having advocated for a punch list of conservative issues since their founding in 1989.
Even News12 said today they felt bad for the people being misled by this group because their good natures were being exp0loited by professionals. TPPF doesn't care about the people, cetaceans or anything but keeping fossil fuels flowing.
Google them. They've been campaigning against environmentally friendly energy for years now across the country.
Miraculous_Heraclius t1_ja11ih3 wrote
I don't think you can say anything is 'literally' happening when using only anecdotes as your basis. That said, I'm down to see which ecological groups are lining up on the anti-renewable engery side of the argument.
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