Rude-Bison-2050 t1_j8nredd wrote
Reply to comment by lostatwork314 in Full Police Officers Salaries For The State of NJ. by vakr001
sigh this is not wrong but just another point as to why the pension and benefits for all public employees are grossly broken
SyndicalistCPA t1_j8nxgui wrote
No, its not broken. Everyone should be having the same benefits but labor movement is especially weak in the US.
Rude-Bison-2050 t1_j8orwpd wrote
Outrageous labor costs and pensions are why shit is so unaffordable but sure random basement communist
SyndicalistCPA t1_j8rnauv wrote
Might want to look into price gouging, planned obsolescence, disaster capitalism, etc.
jersey_girl660 t1_j8uej1g wrote
No it’s not. Not at all.
metsurf t1_j8nz0qh wrote
If you mean broken as overly generous you are correct my brother-in-law just turned 58 and has been retired for 10 years. About a third of his time on the force he was a middle school resource officer. Most of his days were totally uneventful a bomb scare once, and kids having fistfights. Only time he actually used his service weapon was to euthanize animals hit by cars. He gets $85K+ pension plus premium health benefits to do nothing. That is unsustainable across the entire sum of all the cops we have.
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