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whyreallywhy t1_j8slf01 wrote

23 - 1 chief = 22 22 - 1 admin officer = 21 21 - 1 detective = 20 There are other required administrative positions, but let's skip those. That leaves us with 20 patrol officers/sergeants There are 168 hours in a week divided by 40 hours is 4.2 shifts to cover. So to have one single officer at all times you need to hire 5. You probably want at least 2 though as the whole purpose is safety, so that is 10. Obviously you need more than the bare minimum though as there is times officers will be on sick leave or vacation, so another 5 to have proper staffing.

So that leaves us with 5 you could get rid of.

So about a $500K savings, will that stop your town from bankruptcy?


Knomp2112 t1_j8t3511 wrote

The fact you failed to mention pensions just proves you have a blue lives matter flag sticker on your car.


whyreallywhy t1_j8t4gwu wrote

You are right! I left out $50K from that quick and dirty write up!

The towns pay a matching 10%of the salary to PFRS, so to make the numbers easy 100K a year the town actually pays $110K for that person and the individual also pays 10% of the $100 into the PFRS pension fund meaning their taxable income is $90K as it is a pre tax deduction. Once they retire the town doesn't pay anymore for thay individual, but then only pays 10% of the new $50 salary, so thay is why "pension buy backs" where incentives for people to retire early are given as it is a more expensive payment for senior members than newer members.

It's okay to be mad about what they make, just make sure to be informed mad!

Or you know possibly get mad at the system that is grossly underpaying you. Unionize! Take the power away from the rich!