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Special_FX_B t1_j8nktm0 wrote

Insane. High property taxes? Exhibit A. Extra pay for sitting in a car doing nothing or watching a high school wrestling match should be at the rate a store security guard gets paid. No wonder cops drive very expensive cars and own second homes in their 40’s.


TroyMcClure10 t1_j8nm0p6 wrote

I nearly threw up when I open and saw an officer making over 500k. That’s just insane.


Rude-Bison-2050 t1_j8nmeru wrote

so much money goes down the drain on OT because cities don't staff appropriately


munchingzia t1_j8npykb wrote

i knew police made bank in NJ but didnt know exactly how much. Ye thats crazy.


whodisacct t1_j8ntcho wrote

Every cop in NJ I know says they’ll move elsewhere out of state because the taxes are so damn high.


ghost_robot2000 t1_j8ntez9 wrote

So many towns on this list don't even need their own police department. They're paying officers huge salaries, coming from the taxes of actual working people, to do basically nothing. They need to consolidate these towns, lower the number of officers, and start lowering some property taxes.


inf4mation t1_j8nwq7e wrote

and they'll get 70-80% of those salaries as pensions for the rest of their lives.


metsurf t1_j8nxyhc wrote

32 cops in our town 20 making more than state average total, 15 over 150K per year.


Sinsid t1_j8nymaq wrote

Holy shit! Maybe I should have dropped out of middle school too.


metsurf t1_j8nz0qh wrote

If you mean broken as overly generous you are correct my brother-in-law just turned 58 and has been retired for 10 years. About a third of his time on the force he was a middle school resource officer. Most of his days were totally uneventful a bomb scare once, and kids having fistfights. Only time he actually used his service weapon was to euthanize animals hit by cars. He gets $85K+ pension plus premium health benefits to do nothing. That is unsustainable across the entire sum of all the cops we have.


Engibineer t1_j8o009g wrote

And how sure are we that these cops are significantly different than the ones in Uvalde?


SpacelessWorm t1_j8o508m wrote

My sister is part of my town EMS's stuff so I can't wait to see her reaction to this knowing first hand how useless my towns cops are


Inspector-Tophat t1_j8o6c17 wrote

Does anyone know what the extra pay is? For instance the first officer on the list is a police Director. His salary is roughly $135k, which seems like average pay for a professional in an expensive area with 26 years experience. However, whats strange is not his base salary but the $403k "extra" pay. Anyone know what that actually means?


Inspector-Tophat t1_j8o6o8h wrote

He's actually a Police Director with over 26 years experience. His base pay is $135k. Which, for someone holding a director title and decades long experience is normal. However, what isn't normal is the $400k "extra" pay. Do you know what that is? I mean I'd love to jump the gun and say he's getting that in cash but is that perhaps a sum of benefits like different types of insurance? Is that pension for retirement? I mean, I don't know.


jfloes t1_j8o70s9 wrote

Well f me then, should’ve gone to a police academy instead of business school


-686 t1_j8o8wkq wrote

Skill set really does not match up with how much they’re getting paid.


katsock t1_j8o9ifs wrote

Who’s the highest. Asking to hate myself more !


dumbdumbmen t1_j8ocjw1 wrote

This. So many NJ towns need to consolidate their police forces, as well as their school districts. I moved out of NJ a long time ago and the property taxe rates there are just insane compared to where I've lived so far (low crime, good schools, in HCOL areas).


peter-doubt t1_j8ofw0f wrote

Remember this next time the Police Officer's Blah Blah Retirement Fund calls for contributions


Such_Force_2252 t1_j8ogb0o wrote

The reality is if you question these salaries, you're going after the Blue Line and don't support law enforcement. But realistically these are not justifiable salaries given the work load they face. And a lot of these higher paying towns are suburbs with nothing really going on. I know there is an inherent danger with the position, but they know that signing up and it doesn't mean they should be paid soooo much


Dozzi92 t1_j8ojj18 wrote

And those are jobs paid for by non-tax dollars. Work a road crew? Money is coming from whoever opened the road. Working a street fair? Whoever put on the fair pays. How one accrues three times their salary doing that, I'm not sure, but perhaps for someone in a director's position they get higher rates of pay to take part in these things.

And non-tax dollars presumably includes grant funding as well.


murphydcat t1_j8oks28 wrote

The next time you complain about your property tax bill, think about this list.


Sinsid t1_j8olxen wrote

This is why I live in a town with no police department (we contract NJ state police). We also don’t have a high school, we contract that too. And the town doesn’t have a sewer or water department. So developers have a massive uphill battle to build anything more than single family homes.


NJBullforyou t1_j8oocmc wrote

All 100k+ a year salary and they wanna say they arent getting paid enough? 100k and you wanna have an ego and act like a power hungry racist? Thats crazy.


linkedit t1_j8oqdn5 wrote

State trooper salaries might even be higher


Mini-salt t1_j8osyn0 wrote

This. I remember seeing my elementary school go through a dramatic overhaul (new jungle gym, expanding the building twice, etc) in the span of 2-3 years because they dropped an administrator.


pleuvonics t1_j8oucfs wrote

I didn’t need to be so pissed off today


randygiles t1_j8ov64a wrote

AVERAGE 123k. Disgusting, these are supposed to be public servants.


soiboughtafarm t1_j8ovlsz wrote

I’m a teacher, I don’t even think I would have made a good cop. If I would have know what I could make I could have sucked it up, hell I would be looking at retirement in 10 years. I’m sure one or two of these people aren’t the best at coping either.


spoon_master t1_j8owpwh wrote

Are pensions included under additional/extra pay or something? There's a ton of officers who have 0 salary but large additional/extra pay


wasitme317 t1_j8p4qvw wrote

Police Directors and Chief of Police set their own contracts. The extra pay could be the following insurance which the town 2. pays, vacation and sick time. 3. Travel expenses for conventions 4. Training seminars 5. Pension matches And the list could go on


jjb89 t1_j8p7ae8 wrote

rightttttttt cause my school district average salary is 61k and the highest is 175k. there are 102 teachers and even if we just take the 61k times 102 teachers that 6.7 million. my township also has like 20 cops and they even with "extra pay" made 1.7 million....

if teachers were paid like cops then it would be like 12 million in my township for teachers.

just because an average is lower than what you think and big mean cops are over paid. it's really just numbers.


twothumbswayup t1_j8peues wrote

Is there a teachers pay list that we can compare too?


Op_Anadyr t1_j8pf1jj wrote

Love paying multiple officers 6 figures to fuck around on their phone all day and harass kids in the park. Meanwhile teachers still start at like $33k and never get close to what these pigs are stealing.

Or my favorite: when PSEG men are hard at work on the road and there's a cop sitting in his air conditioned car on his phone "earning" more than the actual workers


playdohplaydate t1_j8phfsu wrote

That’s what shared services are designed to consolidate but various unions fight it pretty strongly for obvious reasons. On one side it saves taxpayer money and on the other side it puts people out of work or relocates them to other duties


WPackN2 t1_j8phks2 wrote

Same story in every state. Someone should look up all the ridiculous pays state employees of CA get.


DogeMoonNOK8921 t1_j8pi220 wrote

Rich gets richer, poor suffers !

Ultimately it's the working people like us paying for their salary and extra income , smfh


JasperDyne t1_j8pkh7x wrote

Not too shabby for a bunch of “C” students in high school. That whole “Twenty years and out—with pension and benefits” is pretty sweet too.

Makes us college grads seem like a bunch of chumps.


MajorTeabagger t1_j8pl76y wrote

Anyway we can get an updated wage list? This is from 2019.


Rockhopper007 t1_j8pmsg0 wrote

Curious .. what town?

I'm in a town that has shared police resources and now I want to research what they (or builders, etc. pay) for traffic control around construction areas. 🤔


swifty1015 t1_j8pnrcu wrote

Start 👏🏻paying 👏🏻teachers 👏🏻more


Knomp2112 t1_j8pp9mu wrote

23 cops for a town of 9,000 people

18 of them make well over $100,000 a year.

Chief of Police pulled $305,000 in his retirement year (not including getting another town job) and he promptly moved out of town.

What a fucking scam!


peeehhh t1_j8pps46 wrote

When I lost my wallet, it was turned in to an officer in my town. When I called they didn’t know this as that officer kept it in his car. He knocked on my door one afternoon I was off work. You’re a tough guy to find he says suspiciously. He’d been stopping at my house mid day while I was working not leaving a note for close to a week. I mean what reason could there be for someone in their late 20s to be out of the house at 2pm on a Wednesday? This man makes >$80k base salary. This is a town of <2,000 residents.


urbjam t1_j8pscrg wrote

Pick up an application folks. Many towns are hiring.


Carittz t1_j8pu2wl wrote

We should just make a larger state police responsible for all emergency calls and investigative work, and then have each county have a department for general law and order and traffic control.


Fallen_Mercury t1_j8pxjgh wrote

Hyper localized schools is how New Jersey achieved creating one of the most segregated school systems in the country. The high taxes tied to each district creates a paywall that disadvantages poor people and people of color who have been historically excluded from "nicer" towns and the accompanying schools.

If you really want to see consolidation, be prepared to be greeted with a lot of "not in my back yard" squealing when people realize that "those kids" will now be mingling with "my kids."

There's no way to consolidate without facing this problem. If you were to consolidate 6 districts into 1, with 2 of those districts being much poorer towns, how do you think the 4 wealthier towns would react? If they were to attempt to create a system that favored one town over the other, they would easily lose civil rights law suits for discrimination. Do you really think Ocean and Wall would want to deal with Neptune and Asbury? Do you see Robbinsville, Hamilton, Trenton, Lawrence, and Princeton working well together?

Don't get me wrong, I think consolidation is a good idea... I just think it's so unlikely that it's safe to say impossible. People who live on the right side of the tracks enjoy our segregated school system and they wouldn't want to give it up.


Yelwah t1_j8q41w5 wrote

What is this magical "Additional Pay" that's 4x the salary


Dino1087 t1_j8q4zdy wrote

The amount of cop bashers on this post is Pretty pathetic to say the least. Also, comparing a teachers salary to a police officer is not only irrelevant it just doesn’t make sense. You know how many shitty teachers I’ve had in public schools that do the bare minimum? Just because you see a few news stories about corrupt police officers on the nightly news doesn’t mean they’re all corrupt and they all should be making “less money” by your standards. Most of these guys make overtime because they fucking work it and put the hours in. Some of you people need to stop generalizing an entire profession and look in the mirror as you comment on Reddit while milking whatever job you have at the moment. Should be ashamed


elvispookie t1_j8q4zja wrote

Back in the day, being 21, every guy I knew at a bar was going to be a cop.. you couldn’t find a dumber group of guys.. couldn’t make it as anything in life.. C- students.. so fuck it.. guess being a cop would work. Every girl I met wanted to be a teacher.. again.. C- level students. I remember saying to my friend.. future is gonna be not so bright… and here we are


gex80 t1_j8q5oz0 wrote

The point they are making is teachers who provide a much needed service are under paid and education could be better funded where as the police are able to make time and a half sitting in their cars at a construction job without lifting a finger.

One could argue that if we moved budget from the police to the schools, we would need less police because the average education goes up and with more education future adults would have more opportunities and less likely to commit crime.


Dino1087 t1_j8q8tyw wrote

That’s a giant over generalization of an entire profession though, both ways. Just because you see officers “sitting in cars wasting time” doesn’t mean a GREAT DEAL of them work overtime to bring children home to their mothers, solve crimes and provide justice for other families. Quite Frankly it’s bull shit too


Dino1087 t1_j8q95o1 wrote

Also, my father owned a paving business and 9 Times out of 10, the cops sitting at a construction job are paid for by the GC or entity running that job and are “loaned” out by the agency. So they’re actually providing a stable income thru other means that doesn’t come from the county or state or whatever means you’re trying to compare. It’s Just simply not true or comparable.


Dino1087 t1_j8q9h4b wrote

Also, teachers are underpaid because school boards lack the know how or care to put a good budget in place. Or the higher ups in that district are overpaid and not doing a damn thing about it. Blaming teachers salary on law enforcement is so dumb


imironman2018 t1_j8qejf2 wrote

You can do both. It’s not one or the other. There is so much waste with how these small towns can exist like duplicate town halls, council, fire department, EMS, and sanitation. There is a town that exists in North jersey that is only one city block. That is just ridiculous.


WakeRider11 t1_j8qkc5a wrote

At least the officers are getting a nice cut of the fee charged to whoever is asking for the service. We need EMT coverage for a 2 day event that I’m a part of and we were quoted $5k for the weekend. I bet those EMTs are still only getting $20-30 an hour if that. We did end up getting a better rate in the end.


vakr001 OP t1_j8qkf3s wrote

This is 100% true. My cousin is a high-ranking officer in Newark. Makes $150k a year dealing. My parents live in East Hanover, and they are pulling more than that. They are over policed.

Not to mention the piloce officers get the job because they know somebody and not based on qualifications.


nomorobbo t1_j8r3pea wrote

One thing I never understood is that why these lists are so old for information. State employees (as public servants) are updated every quarter. Teachers/police/ etc are updated on a significantly less frequently basis.

The data OP linked is from 2019; so who knows what changed.


UFumbDuckGaming t1_j8rb6qz wrote

The pay gap between #1 vs #2 is disgusting. And then there's additional pay? Wtf


JoPeSup t1_j8rd5gx wrote

the city holds the licenses and fees, and whoever is doing the work “pays to play”, so yeah, we all pay because the business has to grossly overpay for that contract.


Dozzi92 t1_j8re9yr wrote

Yeah, I'm not suggesting I agree with the whole practice. Personally, I think some dude who's new to construction is perfectly capable of standing and holding a flag or something for about $100 less an hour than a cop. But I also imagine that there is some benefit to having a cop doing it versus just some kid with a flag.


Sinsid t1_j8rh2br wrote

I think Millstone is great! Its about as rural a place as you can find in NJ. And it’s about halfway between NYC and Philly for commuting and 30 minutes to the beach. I’ve got 3 acres, and I think that’s about average in millstone.


Sinsid t1_j8rhtpt wrote

Well I thought so. I picked millstone based on low taxes compared to what I was paying in northern NJ before, proximity to 95, being about halfway between NYC and Philly seemed like a sweet spot for commuting. 30 minutes to the beach is nice. My house is about 8 minutes from six flags so in the summer I take my son over after school / camp for a few hours and it’s no big deal.


RafeDangerous t1_j8rj95x wrote

There are legal restrictions on who can direct traffic, so standing there with a flag at a roadblock might be okay but that person can't actually direct anyone to do anything unless they've been certified for it. Also, people are assholes. If they think there's no consequences for just ignoring your roadblock, they will - I've manned roadblocks during storms and had people call me an asshole, drive around me, and go straight into 5' deep flood water. Same type of roadblock with a cop at the end of it doesn't usually see problems like that. If I had a construction site going that I really really didn't want people driving into, I'd prefer to have a cop doing traffic control over a flag-man any day.


Dozzi92 t1_j8rk813 wrote

Yeah, agree with everything you said. The law, that can be changed, and it was like, what a decade or two ago? But at the end of the day, folks are definitely less inclined to tell a cop to fuck off.


jrdidriks t1_j8rnlsi wrote

When I said defund the police, I meant it. These are exorbitant.


rpg25 t1_j8rnxp3 wrote

You’re correct in thinking that the construction companies are the ones paying to have traffic control and security. That said, it’s naive if you think that cost doesn’t get built into the project and thusly passed on to the general public. It may not be “tax dollars” but it certainly otherwise contributes to the high cost of living in this area.


rpg25 t1_j8rrdbv wrote

It’s not just unions. It’s the towns themselves. I know of a jurisdiction that had a massive opportunity to consolidate and not lay anyone off due to attrition (there were a large amount of people set to retire). They didn’t pursue it because they would lose home rule and there was just too much “unknown” for them.


rpg25 t1_j8rrmjo wrote

Wrong. Overtime is not pensionable in NJ. Only your base salary is. He could work $1m in OT. It’s not going to increase his pension on cent.

Does anyone know if this guy “retired” before he took the director job? That could explain the large number. He could have retired from the police service and been cut a check for a career’s worth of unused vacation, holidays, comp time, and sick time (sick is capped at $15K and comp time 480 hours worth).


STMIHA t1_j8rt5hn wrote

So many spouses about to go off


STMIHA t1_j8rtfnz wrote

A cop doesn’t hold a flag. The low man on the construction totem pole does. Cops are present to prevent a pedestrian or motorist from interacting with said work/ in case something does happen. Sometimes it seems a bit much but that’s just how things are.


bros402 t1_j8s1p5n wrote

imo no school district should be allowed to have less than 2500-3000 students and if it does, it should be merged into the district with the highest DFG that borders it.

but I think that towns having their own school districts makes sense - it would be better for more districts to have regional HSes, though


bros402 t1_j8s24n6 wrote

yuuup - a few towns in Monmouth used to share courts, but the other towns withdrew because they were viewing the court as a "profit machine" when the people running the court told them it was not, and they wouldn't lock people up on bullshit (and this was before the bail reform)


nowjerseyjon t1_j8s66r8 wrote

We have an insane # of municipalities and school districts for a state this size. It's super inefficient. Good luck getting anyone with the power to do it to consolidate. Maybe one or 2 here and there. Can anyone name any municipalities besides possibly Peapack & Gladstone &that have merged? Any since 1912? In fact, reading up on P&G, that may not really have been a merger.


Dozzi92 t1_j8sgjef wrote

Yeah, I could've been more clear. If a third party is opening the road for whatever reason, it's on their dime, presumably from some escrow. If the municipality is, it's from a different pool of taxpayer dollars.


whyreallywhy t1_j8slf01 wrote

23 - 1 chief = 22 22 - 1 admin officer = 21 21 - 1 detective = 20 There are other required administrative positions, but let's skip those. That leaves us with 20 patrol officers/sergeants There are 168 hours in a week divided by 40 hours is 4.2 shifts to cover. So to have one single officer at all times you need to hire 5. You probably want at least 2 though as the whole purpose is safety, so that is 10. Obviously you need more than the bare minimum though as there is times officers will be on sick leave or vacation, so another 5 to have proper staffing.

So that leaves us with 5 you could get rid of.

So about a $500K savings, will that stop your town from bankruptcy?


bros402 t1_j8sq30g wrote

one of my parents works for a town

needs a lightbulb replaced, calls down to public works

"can't you do it yourself?"

"No, it's a fluorescent bulb"

"what if we drop off the bulb can't you just do it"


whyreallywhy t1_j8t4gwu wrote

You are right! I left out $50K from that quick and dirty write up!

The towns pay a matching 10%of the salary to PFRS, so to make the numbers easy 100K a year the town actually pays $110K for that person and the individual also pays 10% of the $100 into the PFRS pension fund meaning their taxable income is $90K as it is a pre tax deduction. Once they retire the town doesn't pay anymore for thay individual, but then only pays 10% of the new $50 salary, so thay is why "pension buy backs" where incentives for people to retire early are given as it is a more expensive payment for senior members than newer members.

It's okay to be mad about what they make, just make sure to be informed mad!

Or you know possibly get mad at the system that is grossly underpaying you. Unionize! Take the power away from the rich!


tarzan_boy t1_j8tuq6n wrote

90k with 20k ish overtime is reasonable. I agree we need to merge towns but for anyone complaining about how much they earn.... maybe find a better job? I can make 100k with certs and no degree fully remote.


jersey_girl660 t1_j8ue7g3 wrote

This was one specific agency. I’m all for police reform but let’s not pretend one specific agency in the US speaks for all. Different agencies have radically different hiring processes. State police requires at least 60 credits of college and most have a bachelors. Cities like Trenton and Camden desperately need police officers so they don’t have as stringent of requirements. Richer towns likely have more educated cops like the state police.


ManchuDemon t1_j8ukkxb wrote

Allow me to clarify: anyone can take the civil service test and anyone can apply. Of course not everyone is going to make it, that's a given. It's highly selective for a reason. But the point is it's equal opportunity.


SpankyMcDangle t1_j8wcryx wrote

The problem is not the small (tiny?) amount of thug/brutal/corrupt cops on payroll, its the insane amout of protection these bad cops get from the police unions and PBAs that is the problem. Otherwise good cops will almost never ever ever turn jn a bad cop-PERIOD. And we are talking about cops who rape, murder, burglarize, sell drugs etc. Those walking shit bags with a badge have near full immunity and if by some reason they do get caught- most of the time they retire with full salary and then we'll go to a neighboring town to get another police job.