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paleo2002 t1_ja8i4qu wrote

If our schools and healthcare system looked like Norway's, then we wouldn't have to worry about what style of prison system to put our children into.


[deleted] t1_ja8p4cv wrote



paleo2002 t1_ja8rnvv wrote

Didn't say anything about money. But . . .

In 2022, NJ spent $29.8 billion on K-12 schooling.

The most recent data I could get for Norway was 2020. They spent about 10% of their GDP on education. This amounts to about $36 billion.


Jbach57 t1_ja8vs3m wrote

So a single state in the USA almost spent as much in education as the entire country of Norway?


grand_speckle t1_ja8zo7i wrote

Yeah but in fairness this single state’s population nearly doubles Norway’s population


iJayZen t1_ja9n8ck wrote

Thank education unions for this.
