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Passionabsorber1111 t1_j9837ij wrote

head to chelsea….so many free art galleries, the high line (free but might be alil windy) chelsea market has great stores and food (try ‘good fresh noodles’ or ‘los marisclos’) also the whitney museum is right by there (i think $18 per ticket if you’re a student) you might catch a gorgeous sunset on the high line if you’re lucky! also “the little island” on the water (might need a ticket as well)


Sweet-Fun-Momof-2 t1_j9a7xr7 wrote

Here to suggest same. Head to the Whitney Museum. Tix are $25 each ($18 is seniors price). Your ticket gets you a 20% discount off your bill at The Standard Grill. Delicious food. Then walk along the high line. Maybe see the sunset.