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LemurCat04 t1_ja8l4uo wrote

Honestly, a full-on line brawl back when minor league hockey was at Boardwalk Hall. Also, the complete pandemonium that was the one time they did Dollar Beer Night.


joeyp2391 t1_ja8owi0 wrote

Long time ago we were on the boardwalk in front of ballys and this guy comes from under the boardwalk and slits his wrists in front of everyone.


ze_end_ist_neigh t1_ja8qmi6 wrote

i've seen a seagull snatch an entire piece of pizza from someone's plate on the boardwalk when i was there over the summer

over the years, the drunk belligerents getting kicked out of the night clubs used to be entertaining


preppysurf t1_ja8s49t wrote

I was waiting for an elevator at Claridge to go to their rooftop bar. A lady comes out of the elevator pushing a human-like figure in a wheelchair with a garbage bag over the head. Still not sure if it was a body or a mannequin. Either way, bonkers.


HamTailor t1_ja97qw2 wrote

Gambling. Right out in the open too


Tasty_Donkey6171 t1_ja9gemp wrote

Waking up in Harrah’s with 3 huge men rummaging through our purses. Good times. Not. Hotel never even apologized etc.


DorothyZbornakAttack t1_ja9k43m wrote

I used to go there a lot with my grandma in the 90s. When I was 10, my cousin and I watched a homeless guy drag a newspaper box with some chains and leave it in the ocean.


Zhuul t1_ja9pi4z wrote

Honestly that joint Thunderbirds / Blue Angels show back in like 2007 was fucking life-altering


Jimmy_kong253 t1_ja9ss09 wrote

Two homeless individuals giving each other oral on the boardwalk at like 3:00 in the morning


Hetjr t1_jaa0yi9 wrote

Walking back to the hotel north on pacific ave at 1am after the 1st night of Metallica’s Orion Fest and somebody dumped piss on the couple walking like 20 feet in front of us. And like immediately after that, we saw a sex worker get robbed on the other side of the street.

Another time, waiting at the IMAX ticket line at the Trop, there was a long ass line of rats scurrying along the baseboards.

Edit: at the Borgata after watching Jim Gaffigan, wife and I stepped into the elevator and she slipped on and ALMOST fell in a sprawling puddle of vomit.

Edit 2: trans person wearing a see through fishnet body suit and sexy dancing in front of the line waiting to get in to see TSO at the convention center. Cops sitting in the car just off the boardwalk were cheering them on while eating huge donuts. I dropped the dancer a $20. It was a fun interesting time.


HeyItsPanda69 t1_jaa3ulk wrote

A crack head broke into an empty train at the train station, tried to smoke crack in the engineer seat but lit himself on fire instead


TheJesusSixSixSix t1_jaa530u wrote

Some drugie planned on robing me. I made eye contact with him and he pulled the swiftest 180 on his heels.


dayrem t1_jaa6f1r wrote

Somebody pooping right out in the open


SayNO2AutoCorect t1_jaafksp wrote

A few years ago the music teachers moved their state convention to the Sheraton. They go to clinics all day....and at night they basically go casino hopping. Have you ever seen a rager of music teachers pound $1000 of hard booze in an hour? holy shit. And then they come back here the next morning for 8am clinics where people are blasting their instruments or giving talks on feelings and strategies for rehearsing. Bonkers.


speaster t1_jaaftzd wrote

Last weekend an attractive woman paid attention to me. It was crazy.


hiimh8m3 t1_jaag5oz wrote

Saw 6 kids snatch a ladies purse and ran through Hard Rock without anyone chasing behind them. Once they made it into the parking garage, the security was looking but 100% did not locate them.


mikeyd1276 t1_jaahwlb wrote

Was washing my hands in the Borgata one night and Mr Paulie Walnuts himself comes out of the stall and washes his his hands in the next sink, pulls out a comb, fixes the his silver wingtips, and disappears into the night.


housespecialdelight t1_jaakbdb wrote

I was waiting to cross the street near the outlets and on the other side was this perfect looking blonde family. Crossing their path was this probably homeless drugged up looking man. Just as the family realized they should probably not cross the street at that time, the guy vomits all over the street. They were rightfully horrified. It was like it happened in slow motion.


Dirtydiscodeeds t1_jaalbef wrote

A woman hitting me with a shoe after I tackled her boyfriend for hitting her in the face.

I guess I was.. sole searching.


Old-Assistance-2017 t1_jaam3g7 wrote

Almost got into a fist fight with two strippers at scores because they thought I snuck a guy in the stall (I was alone).

Watched a drunk couple in their 50s actively punching each other on the boardwalk while, no one tried help. Broad daylight.

Found a couple of bags of coke under a toilet seat at the show boat.

Back when you couldn’t drink after 10pm people found really interesting places to stash their booze on their bodies so they could continue the party.


rsvp_nj t1_jaamz3u wrote

People really really enjoying themselves. Wait, didn’t really see that.


PM_ME_UR_DOCKS t1_jaankuh wrote

Went to the AC Beer Fest back in April 2016 at the Convention Center, and after several hours of drinking in the windowless hall, was completely shocked to see it snowing very hard when walking outside.


theflyingscroll t1_jaao11r wrote

Not me but my buddy checked into a hotel in AC, went to the window to check out the view and saw a dead body in the parking lot from someone who had jumped.


LossyP t1_jaaoq3m wrote

I went to a UFC fight at boardwalk hall, and there were more fights in the crowd than there was for the fights we paid for. I’m talking full on brawls between fans & fighters’ teammates, families of fighters vs their opponents family, and just random drunk dudes vs eachother. Izzy Adesanya was doing a free meet & greet and everyone was too busy fighting amongst themselves to care. Even one fighter in this post-fight interview asked the crowd to stop fighting. The UFC hasn’t been back to AC since


phylosis57 t1_jaap1s8 wrote

Only been there once but the craziest thing I've seen was a guy on the boardwalk who would pop his eyes just out their socket as I walked by


talk_birdy_2_me t1_jaapr24 wrote

Getting drunk as fuck at Mountain Bar or The Pool in college and then somehow making it back to Stockton. Good times


LoreLitterateur t1_jaar6bi wrote

A woman who was in need of some mental health assistance, dancing on the boardwalk… with a knife.


kris1202 t1_jaatcvz wrote

Someone getting stuck up and their shit ran right in a walk up apartment lobby , next to the corner store.
You had to pass it if you walked on that side of the street if heading to the Trop. I Always stopped in for smokes on the walk.
Needless to say when I realized what was going down, I swung my head back forward like I didn’t see shit. I know the code 😆


Funkiemunkie233 t1_jaatr82 wrote

Went down for the NJSIAA high school wrestling tournament at Boardwalk Hall. Other coach was telling us how he was propositioned for a handy. It was 8:30 am on a Thursday.


knightmair85 t1_jaauqms wrote

Me and my pregnant wife were walking from the casino to the outlets after winning $800. Guy was riding a bike just casually saying " black magic, black magic I got it, blue magic too". Anyone could have been a cop, he had no fear.


venacom t1_jaauwm1 wrote

A homeless gentleman shitting into a sugar cone.


thecoffeecake1 t1_jaavkj1 wrote

One time someone wandered onto the casino floor at the Trop, up at the tables, who had shit their pants. The whole floor stunk and it was clear who'd done it. This person was fucked up, stumbling around, clothes tattered.

Security came over and kindly escorted them to the bathrooms. About 20 minutes later, they came out and started drifting from table to table, looking for something to play. They fuckin let this dude stay after he'd shit his pants.

Didn't even change his clothes.


PeaceLoveAlpacas t1_jaaw3so wrote

I went to an Irish Pub (is THE Irish Pub a place? Bad memory). Anyway, the owner was there with a toy poodle that looked like teddy bear I still sleep with after 35 years. She had spent ridiculous amounts of money keeping her pet alive long after it’s natural time. I think I recall it was deaf and blind by that point, too.


domg1076 t1_jaaw5v7 wrote

Handicapped limbless woman playing a keyboard with her tounge on the boardwalk.


Bitter-Preparation-8 t1_jaaypp4 wrote

My buddy got solicited by a hooker in the parking lot of the econo lodge on pacific ave. I guess that’s normal though.


ehonda75 t1_jaazla0 wrote

A food fight at the poker room food hall in Taj Mahal around 2004


ALC_PG t1_jab134q wrote

This isn't a shocking story but it was fun. My buddy and my girlfriend were sitting at a $5 blackjack table. I went to sit in the open seat but casino staff stopped me, said the seat was reserved. At a $5 table? A few min later they usher a relaxed looking gray haired dude in a t shirt and jeans to the table. He sits down and buys fucking $10k of chips and begins to bet the max each hand. Everyone at the table was loving it. He was kinda rowdy, celebrating all the wins, rubbing his nips through his t shirt a few times to celebrate, etc. We asked him why he was there and he said most people at the high roller tables don't know how to enjoy the game.


nt74f3 t1_jab2bz6 wrote

I rented a room in the Tropicana Hotel for a real estate convention. I was relaxing on the bed when I noticed a huge cockroach just casually crawling up the wall. This MF was huge. Three inches at least. Called the front desk. They sent a security guy for some reason. He just said “Ohh shit”. Told me to pack up and took me to a much nicer room on the higher floor.


GooseNYC t1_jab2w2y wrote

Thing or person?

Thing - nothing that crazy.

Person - how much time do you have?


Justwantmybag t1_jab4dhi wrote

Walking on boardwalk with a few friends at 2am (don’t suggest this) a homeless man let’s go of his Pitbull who’s on a leash God knows why. The Pitbull who I’d say is 70 pounds runs straight at us and my friends and I split sides and the Pitbull runs straight through us. The homeless guy bikes past us and grabs the dog and acts like nothing happened. We weren’t too sober so we somewhat ran away.


pkpeace1 t1_jab4ezg wrote

BMFS if you know, you know ✌️


Tullamore1108 t1_jab4kkx wrote

I wonder if this is the same dude I saw piss himself at the Tropicana. My friend and I were waiting outside a restaurant for our other friends when this dude in ratty grey sweatpants wandered off the casino floor, then just came to a stop in the middle of the walkway, stared into space, and let loose.


davsch76 t1_jab51sx wrote

Two people walked out onto the boardwalk to get some air during a work event and were mugged five feet from the door to the hotel


ALegendOfGreemulax t1_jab5tes wrote

Saw a woman sitting at a slot machine just urinate all over herself, but she kept playing like it didn’t happen.


beantown18974 t1_jab68xl wrote

I found a baby once. He was about 12 months old, walking in the street, in a diaper, alone. Cops were called.


Educational_Road_732 t1_jab6lqf wrote

Not the craziest but I watched a fight between 4 people in line for rides on the pier, and it ended with someone threatening another other person with a knife and pepper spraying them. The guy who got pepper sprayed ran behind a ride and cried before the cops arrived. In typical AC fashion, nobody cared or even bothered to move out of the way lol


lundgrenisgod t1_jab7rss wrote

A Meth head woman (who I thought was a young boy) tried to car Jack me while I was waiting for my wife to shop for shoes at the discount mall. I had to punch her in the face while accelerating away.


Awkward_Sandwich7026 t1_jab8j38 wrote

saw a man stab a 63 year old on the boardwalk back in may and I also saw the biggest shit in a urinal in the showboat bathrooms this one time


Internal_Dinner_4545 t1_jab9dhd wrote

A prostitute trying to close a deal with me… while I was 17yo … it took me years to understand why the friendly lady was so nice out of nowhere…


Batchelorh t1_jabakqz wrote

Someone being robbed/mugged at the entrance of their apartment building. This happened on a path you had to walk down heading towards the Tropicana casinos. They walked this way often to purchase cigarettes. When they saw what was going on, they did not intervene.


Zaknoid t1_jabhlr2 wrote

Was in that convenience style store in the trop in the middle of the night grabbing some snacks. Nobody around cept for one other guy when out of nowhere two guys came running up and started fucking the guy up. They laid him out and then went running off and the dude just gets up off the ground blood pouring out his nose and just goes running out after them.

But craziest is probably seeing this giant white dude on the boardwalk late at night screaming and calling these 3 little black girls Niglets and screaming the n word over and over and trying to pick fights with literally anyone who walked by even saying shit to women and the 3 girls.


cheapskate90210 t1_jabivvg wrote

lady cursing out a customer service agent at the Borgata


Zornamental t1_jabnrky wrote

Walking through Caesar’s with my mom, on our way to eat breakfast. There is a man in the fountain scooping up change into his hat. Must have been a real rough night. No one stopped him, no one even looked at him twice.


dooit t1_jac2uty wrote

I have two.

Dead body. We went to a Craft Beer joint like right off the boardwalk. We were driving up and there were a bunch of police, as I'm trying to find parking my wife is screaming as they are bringing out a body(in a bag). My wife made me leave.

Syringe on the ground while walking outside.


NJPokerJ t1_jac43es wrote

I would have liked to see that. I grew up on Mcguire, then at 20 i got stationed at nellis afb(Las vegas), so I've seen them both. Never together, though.


Rcp31 t1_jackdgh wrote

I remember Celeste who didn’t have arms and legs play the keyboard with her tongue on the boardwalk. She was also on the Howard Stern show back in the day. Wonder if anyone else remembers her?


Budget_Cut_2598 t1_jacn54r wrote

A crack head in the elevator offered me a bj for 20 dollars. I wasn’t shopping for one but it seemed like a good deal to me.


traddy91 t1_jacsk9h wrote

A guy try and lock himself in the bathroom with a sex worker and the sex worker beat him over the head with her hands/purse until he left the bathroom


johndoemyco t1_jact2bb wrote

had a homeless woman try to pay me for cunnilingus after playing a punk show at le grande fromage. i laughed and then puked near her feet from borderline alcohol poisoning.


AdInternational9643 t1_jad1g9n wrote

Two old hotels on fire on the same night back when gambling was first made legal. (How EVER could that happen?) My uncle was Chief of AC FD and we were visiting from North Jersey. It was pretty late, and we drove down that way from Absecon after the call came across on the emergency transmitter he had set up in their kitchen. Never have seen anything like that anywhere.


squeaky-to-b t1_jadaise wrote

This is just proof that plenty of dumb shit folks in movies try to get away with would totally work - not because people are stupid enough to fall for it or oblivious enough to not notice, but simply because who wants to start that conversation?


phome83 t1_jae0pr9 wrote

Might be a bit tame but;

Was standing leaning over the rail on the boardwalk, facing the ocean, with my 8 year old daughter. We were waiting for my wife in the bathroom before we made our way down to the beach.

As we're waiting, 2 men and a topless woman come stumbling out from under the boardwalk, walk up the ramp and down the other side towards the road.

They were definitely junkies or homeless, but it was just an odd sight for me and my 8 year old to see lol.


hayabusa160 t1_jae2x8a wrote

i was at one of the clubs and there were a bunch of girls climbed into the the platforms to dance and her tampon string was dangling around.

another time this woman was so drunk i guess she just came out of the bathroom but her dress was pulled all the way up and she was walking down the casino area holding her shoes stumbling i hope she made it back to her room.