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Jimmytowne t1_j7pwysz wrote

Probably $500 to get someone to do it. Don’t watch them do it though or you’ll think you wasted your money on something you could have easily done yourself.

With that said, I could come by this afternoon


Linenoise77 t1_j7q1lc4 wrote

Since you aren't replacing the frame, it isn't anything crazy, and shouldn't require more than a screwdriver and the like. Chances are there is a youtube video out there explaining your exact door.

I'd order it, give it a go myself, and if i couldn't sort it out, call a local handyman or your handy friend.

If its the frame and you have never done one before and don't have anyone who has to help you out, i'd spring for a pro, because exterior doors, especially once the house is a few years old and settled, are always a bitch.


lingguistics t1_j7q38my wrote

this is exactly what the home depot guys told me, and looked at me funny when I asked about having someone doing it. but yeah the frame is good- just replacing the stationary panel


Linenoise77 t1_j7q3rfq wrote

I have to wager its just a few screws\clips that keep it in place and is probably designed to be reversible as to what side you want the stationary panel on, and is cake to remove.

Assumingly you have the model number if you bought the replacement panel, i'd just do a quick google for the install instructions, and they probably tell you what exactly you need to do.

Edit: Anderson is pretty good about having full manuals online