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Woodbutcher31 t1_jdmmogz wrote

Most times you are fired, you are penalized two weeks then can apply/resubmit. Those 2 weeks get tacked onto the back of your claim. You just have to explain that it was an altercation outside of work. Or if it was in work that you were assaulted/defending yourself. If it didn’t happen at work you’re good,I would say.

I would think gross misconduct would be child abuse, or a criminal act such as rape .. not simply assault. …..Haha every construction worker in the state would be disqualified at some point if that was the case.


jigggyman t1_jdmy0wj wrote

thank you for that insight. this is what i was getting from doing my research. my last day was 3/14 and i applied today. we’ll see


Woodbutcher31 t1_jdn0g2x wrote

Just realize, with unemployment any and everything starts from the day you apply.