Every time I drive down RT 46 I see the empty lot where Ronnie’s Gametown used to be. I remember as a kid this was the place where everyone had a birthday party. It was a converted church that turned into an arcade. The downstairs had the parties and the games were free. We then had an hour in the upstairs area. I remember spending a crap ton of time playing Rampage, Star Wars, and so many others.
13crv t1_jeb20yv wrote
dumbassroc t1_jeb5gkk wrote
I live right down the street
tony_boxacannoli t1_jeb5pu1 wrote
I think I played pool there .
vakr001 OP t1_jeb9qp6 wrote
Thanks for sharing! I was trying to find a picture online and couldnt
xenonjim t1_jebfvxj wrote
I used to have birthday parties there!
TheRealThordic t1_jec5tzp wrote
Loved that place. It's a shame that not only did it close but they tore the building down.
The_Robot_King t1_jec9pag wrote
Oh damn I used to go there and thought I made it up
13crv t1_jeb1lih wrote
That was my second home in my early teens..i have a pic somewhere of it