Submitted by [deleted] t3_1212vqb in newjersey

I'll be flying in a few hours. Due to last minute flight cancelations, I booked a new flight that lands late in the night. It's my first time in the US and unfortunately my friend wont pick me up at the airport.

Due to my flight cancelation, I booked a new one which ate into my budget. My friend says I should take an Uber but this costs over 100 dollars which is a lot in my current circumstances. How can I safely and cheaply pull this off? TIA

Edit: I have nothing to lose so last stop is Union Ave of 275 or something like that



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glkris t1_jdk4rgl wrote

I would ask myself how much is my personal safety worth? If a secure, safe ride is too expensive then maybe hitchhike. One choice gets you there but a little light in the wallet the other you never are seen again and your wallet is gone. Seriously spend the money NYC is not a safe place these days.


a_trane13 t1_jdk6965 wrote

Take the AirTran or the bus to the subway. Subway to the path or NJ transit or bus, whichever works for your NJ destination. It’s not unsafe.


07834_momster t1_jdk6tsx wrote

Do this in reverse? The shortest route is to take line 2 or 3 from North Bergen to Penn Station, get on the Jamaica line to Jamaica Station, then board the AirTrain JFK Red line all the way to the airport. The trip should take between an hour and an hour and 15 minutes, and cost $16 in total, at the most.


scaryclown148 t1_jdk9tyx wrote

Eek. You’re gonna have to Uber or hotel. Too late for nj transit. Penn isn’t fun to sleep at. Done so many times


jsuispeach t1_jdkctqz wrote

This is the move. Yes, you can get to jersey on public transportation - perfectly safe - late at night, but it's a hassle. You'll enjoy life a lot more if you just try in the morning.


Keilz t1_jdkdwdl wrote

Around what area in NJ do you need to get to? That really changes the equation here. I wouldn't hesitate to use NYC and NJ public transportation on a weekend from 10PM - 1AM.

First, Take the AirTrain to the LIRR Jamaica station. Take the LIRR train to New York Penn Station/34th Street in Manhattan. If you are staying in or around Hoboken, Harrison, Newark, or Jersey City, then you can take the PATH train into NJ 24/7 and can Uber from within NJ, as it'll be cheaper.

If you are going somewhere not on the PATH line, from New York Penn Station, catch a NJ Transit commuter rail to the closest station that you need. Then you can Uber from there. Most NJ Transit commuter rails end for the night at 1AM.


horatio_corn_blower t1_jdkel05 wrote

Where in NJ are you trying to get to? This will help determine what your best public transportation options are. It might seem scary if this is your first time in the US, but there will be plenty of people out and about at 10pm and Both New York and NJ are much safer than people would have you believe. Might be a huge pain in the ass to schlep a couple hours to your destination but you’ll be absolutely fine.


Motivator9931 t1_jdkg2zy wrote

After midnight you can still take the PATH to get across the river and then take an Uber from Newark Penn since the PATH runs 24/7. Ubering from Newark Penn is going to be cheaper than all the way from JFK or really anywhere else in the city.


Jimmytowne t1_jdkgy4o wrote

You can’t. The savings you have flying into JFK vs EWR are erased. You are alive solely to tell others.


JimTheJerseyGuy t1_jdkiwxq wrote

As others have noted, knowing where you need to go in NJ would be useful in providing you the best answer. It’s a large area with few transit options in more rural areas,particularly late in the evening.


soulbribra t1_jdkptqb wrote

I’ll come get you for tree fiddy


Bodidiva t1_jdkredd wrote

Your friend sucks, please tell them I said so.


UnculturedWeeb2 t1_jdkuqdo wrote

Download NJ transit app, i believe that since today is friday you might be able to get thru there, the sad thing is that Port authority bus terminal is a big fucking pain in the ass for newbies

Edit some bus routes have buses leaving as midnight


ohnjaynb t1_jdkw3eu wrote

The guaranteed way is the JFK air train to the A train to the PATH. There is 24/7 PATH train service from Manhattan to New Jersey. Google Maps is good for finding the best train station. PATH might be slow at night, but it will get you to Jersey City, Hoboken, Harrison, or Newark. Depending on where in NJ you need to go, you may also be able to find a NJ transit train from New York Penn Station or buses in/around the Port Authority Bus Terminal.


falcon0159 t1_jdkw9uy wrote

To everyone saying the friend sucks - there are very few people that I would drive out to JFK for. It's a PITA, and expensive. It takes 2 hours each way and costs like $50. It's much easier just to Uber typically.


sirzoop t1_jdl2gi8 wrote

Uber. It'll be like $150 but it's safe and door to door service


falcon0159 t1_jdl3xxl wrote

Ok, the OP also won't tell anyone here where they're going, so their communication probably isn't that great either. 2 Day old reddit account as well.

Does the friend live in Hoboken or in Sparta or in Princeton? That also changes the equation. Why would I drive to pick you up when the cost to do that will be also much as an Uber? Was OP expecting a free ride from the friend? How close is this friend, like best friend, or just an acquaintance? None of us have enough info to make a determination.

I have a bunch of friends and relatives that live in Europe. Most of them just Uber/Taxi to my house if they fly into JFK. I've picked a few of them up, but it depends when they fly in. Again, it's a 3-4 hour round trip depending on traffic, and I live very close to Manhattan. It would be much longer for someone living in West/South Jersey. Tolls and gas also make this trip expensive, to the point where the extra $50 to Uber is probably worth it, but I value my time. If I was OP's friend, I would just pay for the Uber, but I don't know the friend's financial situation.

If OP is that short on money that they can't afford the Uber - maybe traveling to an expensive country/city wasn't the best idea?

And yeah, I know I can be an asshole sometimes.


pleuvonics t1_jdl5je2 wrote

I hope it went okay? Ubering would be the fastest safest bet.

Please get new friends too.


ionlyupvotecomments t1_jdl746b wrote

Not so true in NJ/NY area. I always had a car in AZ but sold mine before I moved here . You need to answer the "where in New Jersey" question so we can give you a better answer but JFK to NJ is going to be more than $100. Likely.


rossg876 t1_jdl770g wrote

I KNOW there is a shuttle transfer from Newark to JFK. Maybe they do the reverse and you can Uber from Newark cheaper?


pie4155 t1_jdl84ff wrote

Union Ave of 275 is telling me Camden NJ area and you should've flown into Philadelphia if that was the case

Regardless, Air train to NY Penn station would do you the best bet. Then either further subway to Port Authority Bus terminal (if a bus is closer to your destination) or train down whatever appropriate line. I've used NJ Transit and their buses until last call.


wasitme317 t1_jdlcz59 wrote

Ok f he is not from the US and klsnds at JFK st 10pm he'll have bags to wait for and don't forget customs. He'll miss any trains to Manhattan and NJ might want to take a tsxi into Manhattan to the Jersey side of the crossing like The GW bridge or Lincoln Tunnel where both Uber and Lyft would be cheaper.
Remember Ubers and Lyft when in different states can't pick up return rides so if a Uber from JFK the driver get nothing coming back

Other thing is sit at the airport s couple hours and sleep then be get transport at 6 am.


johnmflores t1_jdleuqm wrote

From JFK take the Airtrain to Jamaica/Sutfin

At Jamaica/Sutfin, catch the NYC Subway (MTA) E Train to NY Penn Station

At NY Penn Station, you can take a NJ Transit train to NJ (Newark Penn Station)

If your destination is farther south, i.e., Camden as others suggested, you may need to take Amtrak.

There is a good NJ Transit app with schedules. Firsr train in the AM is around 4:30AM.

If you need to stay overnight in Manhattan, look for a hostel. There's also a microhotel on 42nd St


OpheliaPhoeniXXX t1_jdlnbij wrote

Commuter rails stop around 12-1 but look at buses from port authority too, I wanna say there's some later than that iirc, however, if you get to Newark Penn station by the path train yes there are buses headed in every direction still running til 2 am -- people party late in NYC and service industry people work late.


Meowsipoo t1_jdm91ap wrote


I have a friend flying in from the EU soon, and I told them to fly in and out of EWR. They wanted JFK because of the price, but I wouldn't be able to pick them up from JFK and told them so, many times.

They coming into EWR.


Capital-Mine7282 t1_jdmbck6 wrote

Not true. An Uber with a NYC TLC plate can pick up drivers in Jersey, but Jersey drivers can no longer pick up in NYC without a TLC. I've gotten NYC TLC drivers MANY times. I once got picked up in Jersey by a TLC going to JFK and the driver explained the rules to me during the hour car ride. I used to live in Jersey right outside the Lincoln Tunnel and have had many TLC Ubers out in that area. I sometimes get them now out in the suburbs about 45 minutes from Manhattan, 30 minutes from Brooklyn, and 8 minutes from Staten Island.


Ok_Selection8626 t1_jdmbvns wrote

Take a car for rent for like a day and drop it Newark . often the rates are cheaper than going by cab


SuperAlloy t1_jdmsleb wrote

From JFK take the bus or subway to Port Authority bus terminal. Drink and party in Manhattan until 4 am (last call). Catch a 6 am bus to wherever you need to go in NJ.