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MassiveStomach t1_jefww96 wrote

same here. im always the person who has to call and fight for anything in life though so i never for a minute thought that i could just fill out a form and get some cash from the government


Draano t1_jefzbjo wrote

It looks like I'll get the $1000 payment. I don't understand. Our friends make more than my wife and I make, pay similar taxes - generally a similar situation to us - and they're getting the full $1500. Good grief.


MassiveStomach t1_jeg5s8k wrote

mine is also $1000. no clue what the income / taxes cut off is between the two. i also pay a metric ton of tax but my wife went back to school so we are single income. who the heck knows


Draano t1_jeg8pbk wrote

Well, I still have this here spare kidney I could trade in.