Groady_Wang t1_jczc0hl wrote
Tell them we're full. They would be dime a dozen in NJ/NYC area. Unless they have some ridiculous niche shtick.
metsjets69 t1_jczcn9f wrote
The gates to the Garden State are wide open to new talent. No isn’t in our vocabulary and nYc is even more welcoming. They’re going to love it here and forget everything they know about the Midwest. We have legal weed, legal abortions, full service gasoline stations and Taylor ham.
PickleLS10 t1_jczd1lj wrote
*pork roll
D00TZpop t1_jczexeh wrote
Former midwestern here. They are in for one hell of a culture shock. Also they will learn that it might be on 10 miles away from NYC; but that doesn’t mean it’s actually as close as they think it is
ansky201 t1_jczg4pl wrote
A 3-bedroom apartment or house in any kind of desirable community within commuting distance to NYC is going to be at least $3500/month.
jackietreehorn313 t1_jczgte4 wrote
Please stay in flyover country. We have more failed content creators here than Europe combined.
Acabral21 t1_jczjxfe wrote
I dont think its such a terrible idea than you think itll be. Yes the expenses will be so much more than shes paying now but if she really wants to pursue her career path then i say go for it. In reality they might not advance their careers at all but they definitely increase their possibilities of meeting new people to boost or help them in some ways. The commute will suck but you can get used to it. Honestly the reason it might be too big is because your worried of the change and it is your girlfriend so i wouldnt be surprised if your just being protective. As long as shes willing to pay 1,000 something a month towards rent and make it work then she'll be fine.
free_acelehy t1_jcznnap wrote
I have a spare room, I just need to move my knife, axe and handcuff collection. My pet snakes and I would welcome the company.
BacktotheFutureTmw t1_jczo7vh wrote
Quite a bit. Not only is a 3-4 bedroom house very expensive to rent, but public transportation/tolls to NYC are also expensive.
thebruns t1_jczpdr5 wrote
They should move to NYC. They can afford a good place between the 3/4 of them.
"with her and her friends is that they HATE being told no " - you sound toxic
RivChk t1_jczs7p0 wrote
It sounds like an adventure. It may work out or it might not but at 25 years old with no kids, no spouse, few responsibilities and a some friends who are game, NOW is the time to do it!!
Top_Ad5385 t1_jczsl8u wrote
Rent a house in Rahway
HamTailor t1_jczu9gc wrote
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take
tex8222 t1_jczuv02 wrote
OP kinda sounds like…. ‘If she moves away, and she is successful she may never come back, and if she isn’t successful, when she comes back she will have so much personal growth through the experience that she won’t be interested in me anymore. So how do I derail her plans and keep her world small?’
Or as the old song asks: “How you gonna keep ‘em down on the farm after they’ve seen Jerseeeey?”
PutDangerous4255 t1_jczxder wrote
I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not. Jersey and NYC is definitely not very welcoming lol
coffeeandmuffins03 t1_jd092lc wrote
it sounds like it’s not your place to tell her and her friends what do!
Solid-Panic-2718 t1_jd0dr6c wrote
Username checks out
Dull-Internet-6722 t1_jd0dxu9 wrote
If she doesn't get this out of her system, she will resent you forever. Better to stay quiet & let her go. Let her figure out the finances. Keep quiet & stay out of it, imho. If things don't work out, then it's ALL on her. The more you comment, the more she will shut you out. There are tons of people like her coming to the NYC area & there is tons of competition. They are dreaming big time. She and her pals better have back up jobs to support themselves. But that's not your problem, is it? And don't give her any money or let her "borrow" any money from you. This is HER CHOICE. You need to take care of YOU.- finacially & emotionally........You may fInd she gets frustrated and returns home. Then again, one year may turn into 2 or 3 years chasing that dream or just enjoying the NYC atmosphere. Clearly, she is not ready to settle down & this is a priority for her, not your relationship....The question becomes how are YOU going to handle this? She has already made up her mind.... she is going no matter how you feel about it.
Dull-Internet-6722 t1_jd0fa73 wrote
Exactly. Ten miles in the Midwest is quite different than 10 miles in the NYC area.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_jd0nzru wrote
YOLO. Let them try and see what happens. If worse comes to worse they can move back to the mid west. Personally I think that would be real difficult after they experience genuine pizza, bagels and Taylor Ham but that's my opinion.
Excellent-Bluejay364 t1_jczbcmx wrote
They'd be just another fish in the sea, imo. Everybody and their mother is trying to be an "influencer." They'd need some pretty unique gimmick to stand out especially if their aim is NYC. Living in Jersey really wouldn't make much of a difference except a longer commute if they plan on working in NY.