Submitted by Primary-Cap-3147 t3_11hzovj in newjersey

Hi y’all, Essex county native here. Our family moved north for covid/climate reasons, landing in VT. We were excited about the schools (ranked 5th in nation as opposed to 1st compared to Jersey, but with very small class sizes). We’ve learned since that there are some systemic issues up here concerning student behaviors, especially post-covid, and that part of the challenge teachers face here is the fact that the union isn’t very strong in VT, and that admin essentially panders to aggressive parents, refusing to discipline even violent students. The quality of public education is always a district by district matter- but I’m wondering if these behavioral problems are a nationwide issue, or if the stronger teachers union in NJ today affords them more control over the classroom, despite Covid challenges.

I went to public school way back in the 90s in Montclair, and I couldn’t imagine getting away with a fraction of the behaviors I’m hearing about now. Can any parents/teachers offer a perspective here?



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littlelaws232 t1_javxs1a wrote

I have a friend who pulled their kid out of a very affluent school district in NJ because their kid was being hit by another child the school did nothing about it and they wound up moving


Primary-Cap-3147 OP t1_jaw2874 wrote

Yeah, I’ve been hearing individual stories like this from all over. I have friends in NYC/westchester area that are both parents and teachers describing similar problems in affluent districts. I haven’t heard much from Jersey folks, so I wondered if the state is a bit more immune to these problems.

Which district were your friends in? We moved from the SOMA district and I still wonder how things are going there.


TenCentCherryCoke t1_jaw4dis wrote

My great granddaughter will soon be finishing up her first year of public school in a Bergen County school district that has zero tolerance for bad behavior. Multi language monthly notices are sent home and emailed detailing the district’s strict policy, procedures and penalties. My eldest child is a high school principal and his district has expelled repeat student offenders. The evidence has been cell phone videos taken by other students. Student cell phone videos have also been used as evidence to suspend and to start the lengthy teacher termination process.


RGV_KJ t1_jawczf5 wrote

> The quality of public education is always a district by district matter- but I’m wondering if these behavioral problems are a nationwide issue, or if the stronger teachers union in NJ today affords them more control over the classroom, despite Covid challenges.

It is a nation wide issue. Stronger unions don’t really help combat indiscipline.


Primary-Cap-3147 OP t1_jawz5hq wrote

Oh absolutely, I just wonder if the teacher subreddit is a realistic sample of the entire country. I’d imagine there would be more disheartened, abused teachers drawn to social media to vent. Kind of like how the parenting sub Reddit is primarily parents at their wits end.

I’m inclined to believe that the problem is more widespread than not, though. These are federal based incentives and policies influencing every district. There also seems to be a clear shift in parenting attitudes over the past 20 years.


Whalers7997 t1_jaythrc wrote

We have one of the strongest unions. That doesn't stop admin from putting in shit discipline plans like restorative justice. Looking at you Montclair.


Primary-Cap-3147 OP t1_jaytywf wrote

Having grown up there, it’s really hard to imagine the kinds of stories I’m hearing from teachers. Like kids literally throwing desks in gen Ed classrooms, getting sent to admin, and returning with candy. Is it really that bad now in places like Montclair?


Whalers7997 t1_jayvo4d wrote

They have had middle schoolers bring knives, have sex in the gender neutral bathrooms, girl fights in the bathrooms, kids destroying bathrooms and other school things, and constant disrespect. Does admin punish them accordingly. No. They use restorative justice, which is a "there there, tell me how you feel approach", rather than actual discipline.

The high school is worse.

Montclair is nothing but BS. They also have gang issues and drug houses. The police department can't do squat because of Montclair's reputation


joeyp2391 t1_jb0hyt5 wrote

My wife is a elementary school teacher in Hudson County. One story I remember is that a kid repeatedly would hit the teacher and when the teacher went to the principle about the kids actions her question to the teacher was well what did you do to the kid to get that reaction.