Submitted by manawydan-fab-llyr t3_1263rbn in newjersey
Seriously... why?
(rand ahead)
I'm sorry, I've been trying to hold this one in, but can't no longer. I admit, I like to walk, clear my head after a rough day at work. It's kind of hard when people try to run me down. And I'm not walking about the ones in the middle of a stretch of road on a 45mph road - I know well enough to just wait. I'm talking about when I'm crossing at a corner and someone comes to a stop sign and then proceeds to make a turn and attempt to mow me down. Like, fuck.
I find the biggest offenders in my neck of the woods are the ladies and gents with shields in the windshield. That's what set me off last night to rant this one. A young lady stopped for me so I could cross, and an ass in a luxury SUV blows around a corner and STOP sign in a left turn (judging from his speed) to almost take me out - my back was to him when he approached, he passed in front of me.
I yelled "hey asshole". He pulls into the Police Hq parking lot (I should have known better in retrospect), and jumps out demanding to know who I'm cursing at with his badge in his hand. I just blew him off saying he scared the fuck out of me, and kept walking.
Like fuck, can't even walk safely.
Deslah t1_je7ebj7 wrote
It's not just New Jersey; it's the entire U.S.
Sorry, but it's basically a nation of "Oh, look at that cute little kitten!" sweethearts that turn on a dime and become the absolute worse "fuck that guy" jerks.
And I can't count the times I've almost been mowed over by bicyclers who were riding on the cross street and abruptly decided "I'm a pedestrian on wheels now" and joined the walkers in the crosswalk while still racing through on their bike.