Pro-fascism Bolsonaro truck has been driving through Union County (and probably other areas in/around NJ & NYC) for 5+ months, blaring music.
Submitted by JerseyGiantsFan t3_11xmh36 in newjersey
What is it with fascist supporters and being complete assholes on the road?
It ain't just on the road buddy.
I mean obviously lmao but I have never seen a car with a Trump sticker that DOESN'T drive like an aggressive asshole.
It’s not just trump supporters either it’s literally just assholes political affiliations aside.
Not every asshole driver is a Trump supporter, but every Trump supporter is an asshole driver.
Why are u booing me I'm right
I was saying Boo-urns.
Pish tosh
Validating that you are right
I don’t look at you as an asshole based on your politics but there sure are plenty of aggressive self centered drivers out there. I see it every day.
I think you're missing the point.
Replace “with a trump sticker” with literally anything else and you sound like the racist assholes you despise
Supporting trump is a race?
You're serious?
Am I wrong?
> I mean obviously lmao but I have never black person that DOESN'T drive like an aggressive asshole.
Am I wrong?
> I mean obviously lmao but I have never seen a black person that DOESN'T drive like an aggressive asshole.
Comparing support for a fascist to being born a certain race is a WILD take dude.
I said
> Replace “with a trump sticker” with literally anything else and you sound like the racist assholes you despise
You said
> HAHAHA- are you serious?
> demonstrated word for word what I said above
Are you slow?
Nobody is bringing up black people but you.
Oh no I understand what you meant, your point was just extremely stupid and probably just a troll.
How is it extremely stupid when you’re generalizing to a single attribute of someone yourself? If you really can’t understand how you’re not doing the same thing you’re probably better off going back to your sped classes
Go mask off. Call me the r-slur. Do it. I dare ya. I know you want to.
Holy false equivalence Batman!
You think babies are assigned Trump supporters at birth or something? Do we force them to drive only cars with Trump stickers on them? I must've missed the memo.
For people who love to say how much they hate "identity politics", they sure do love to act like they're victims of persecution. 😭😭
Sure do, my mind is still spinning from that guy who equates anti-trump to racism. I swear some people need to be in an insane asylum...
Being born of a certain skin color is not a choice.
Choosing to support a fascist is a choice, you dumb mother fucker.
good thing being a fascist scumbag isn't a race and it's not bigoted to judge those people.
Hah! Gotta bitch about something..
Hmm, I'm gonna go with: "because they're assholes in everything they do."
They're assholes everywhere, we just see them on the road.
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