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s55555s t1_je7cr3w wrote

I wish the NB trains connected better throughout the state. My son has the same problem. I haven’t looked lately but am guessing go through Newark.


p4177y t1_je7udqz wrote

Depending on budget and how often you have to do it (especially if this is just a one or two time deal), maybe just bite the bullet and get an Uber or Lyft? The train would have you get you all the way to Secaucus before putting you in the right direction.


ct0 t1_jeb08ua wrote

Best? Helicopter between hospitals, duh. 2nd best depends on if this is a one time trip or reoccurring.


BYNX0 t1_jeb2td1 wrote

If you want to take a car, I'd recommend 18 to river rd to 287.

You can park your car in the train station parking lot (not free).