megsrunningnyc t1_jcvb91w wrote
I’m 100% remote in NJ working for a company based in NYC. I’m taxed the same way I was when I was commuting to the office. I believe you’re taxed in both places but then you get it back on your return.
Careless_Extension70 t1_jcvd3l9 wrote
Same, yes.
I get NYS tax back when I file and wind up paying to NJ which is far less money than the NYS tax.
peter-doubt t1_jcvdkfh wrote
Be prepared to wait a long time.. NYS delayed the refund we were due by 20 weeks. Suggestion: underpay the state you don't live in.. send a check in April
Careless_Extension70 t1_jcve9b2 wrote
Did you file on time or early? I file early every year - got mine w/in 3 weeks this time.
peter-doubt t1_jcvfqt9 wrote
March. IIRC, they "couldn't find it" for 8 weeks
Careless_Extension70 t1_jcvgge9 wrote
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