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J3ebrules t1_jdptwfx wrote

This is America, where the rich get whatever they want and the rest of us can shut up and enjoy the beautifully hand-crafted propaganda that makes older people afraid of change. Obviously. Stop worrying about whether or not you are being completely fucked over every single day and go worry about what children playing sports have in their pants instead like a good little American.


sndyro t1_jdrhp70 wrote

At least you didn't use the word "Boomer"....I give you props for that.

But, please, just because a person is older, doesn't mean we are afraid of change. I embrace change....change is good. I know a LOT of people my age that are not afraid of change and are rather progressive. I am 68...nearly 69....and I go to the beach once a year for an afternoon because I can't afford the cost any more than any other poor person. And I have more important things to worry about than what is in a kid's surviving to be a year older, And yes....that is America, at this point.