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ArticulateSilence t1_jdqfpf5 wrote

Never said anyone has to give up land....just saying that Palestinians are "natives" is a dumb argument. The situation is complex and people like the OP do it no favors by trying to paint it in black and white


ra3ra31010 t1_jdqzgyy wrote

Someone would be infuriated reading a Palestinians DNA test results……


analhunter_RIPyoass t1_jdsajtb wrote

>never said anyone has to give up land

they are giving up land though, when palestine was partitioned, jews were 1/3 of the population and owned 7% of the land, the only district in which they were a majority was jaffa. but in the partition plan they got more than half the land. today someone who has no ties to the land but converts to judaism can emigrate to israel, no questions asked but the arabs who were expelled during the nakba, whose families have lived there for generations cannot go back to their homes.