Submitted by prof_cunninglinguist t3_125wy84 in newjersey
IronSheikYerbouti t1_je6ek3p wrote
> State Police investigating tattoos linked with white supremacists on trooper who went missing
> A New Jersey state trooper whose disappearance from a medical facility in Pennsylvania sparked a multi-day search is now facing an internal affairs investigation over photos circulated while he was missing that include tattoos associated with white supremacists, NJ Advance Media has learned.
> Jason Dare, 46, was seen walking away from the medical center in Media, Pennsylvania on March 19. He was found safe five days later.
That is the entirety of the article.
prof_cunninglinguist OP t1_je6fub3 wrote
There is a second part:
The images circulated by authorities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania included an apparent driver’s license photo that showed Dare’s neck tattoo reading “Blood Honor.”
“Blood and honor” was a slogan of the Hitler youth. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a variation is also associated with an array of skinhead gangs.
Users on Twitter and reddit began combing through Dare’s then-public Facebook page, flagging other photos showing iron cross tattoos on his wrists and the head of a pitbull, which is an image connected to a Pennsylvania skinhead group according to the anti-Defamation League.
During the search, authorities noted in their description Dare’s “visible tattoos on his neck, arms, and hands.”
IronSheikYerbouti t1_je6j7vr wrote
Weird, I don't even get a subscriber message, it just cuts off there.
Thanks for posting the rest!
Nice_Improvement2536 t1_je6k0qo wrote
Is he being harshly punished by being forced to go on fully paid leave while the investigation is happening?
Enormoussky t1_je6kq7h wrote
Unless these tattoos are brand new, the agency has a whole lot of explaining to do. Many people he worked with must've been aware of the white power tattoos.
potatochipsfox t1_je6p93i wrote
I'm sure several of them have tattoos from the same shop.
rewardiflost t1_je6pelt wrote
No paywall link
thefudd t1_je6vl8r wrote
those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Jimmy_kong253 t1_je6ysfh wrote
He's probably not the only one
ardent_wolf t1_je72kkt wrote
I’d feel confident putting money on that lol
Scroll-ie t1_je765tk wrote
Now you do what they told ya
PixelSquish t1_je7cp7a wrote
White supremacist law enforcement in this country? Let me know when they catch the other tens of thousands of them.
AdZestyclose3707 t1_je7f14k wrote
You a real one
[deleted] t1_je7h83i wrote
Motivator9931 t1_je7lk3q wrote
You clearly misread or misunderstood their comment. Try reading it again. It's obvious they're pointing out that regardless of how egregiously a cop behaves, they're often "punished" with paid leave.
morizzle77 t1_je7lpj5 wrote
Wearing the badge. They’re the chosen white.
The_Cows_Are_Home t1_je7njc7 wrote
How do you think he stood out against other candidates?
SailingSpark t1_je7sd5g wrote
time to post this article up again. Mind the date.
Squiggly_Jones t1_je7ud6m wrote
Disgusting but not surprising
My_user_name_1 t1_je7xklb wrote
And yet another reason State troopers are hated by all, including other cops.
onlyequity t1_je7zirh wrote
So you mean to tell me people that are paid to investigate crime, didn’t realize a white supremacist Nazi covered in tattoos was working amongst them until basement dwelling redditors alerted them to it? My god they look incompetent or complicit.
Ellie_M22 t1_je83jgo wrote
Why not both?
TuesDazeGone t1_je85n6b wrote
Ha, in the last story about this there was user all over the thread saying he got them for undercover work. So much for that 🤷♀️
Liveslowdieslower t1_je8bhev wrote
It's sad I'm not phased by the title of this headline at all smh.
angusshangus t1_je8docc wrote
Whoever said that is either and idiot or a racist. Probably both, actually.
TuesDazeGone t1_je8dq2v wrote
My thinking as well
Dorko30 t1_je8r102 wrote
Tee hee, we never had any idea and never saw his tattoos- his colleagues and superiors probably.
Dorko30 t1_je8rpqp wrote
I think you forgot an extra zero there my friend.
behold986 t1_je8w1ao wrote
flashnuke t1_je959zb wrote
Lives in Vineland and associates with Nazis...that's one brave mofo State boy or not
dta722 t1_je99pdc wrote
—an Uber Trooper
BunzoBear t1_je9am6s wrote
Do you realize what you just said? Is he being punished while the investigation is happening? How does that make sense to you how can you punish someone while you're trying to figure out if the facts are actually facts? Police are put on paid leave during an investigation because during the investigation a person is completely innocent until they are found guilty at the end of the investigation. So it is 100% proper for him to be paid during an investigation now once they find that he is at fault at the conclusion of the investigation then he can be punished.
BunzoBear t1_je9aq39 wrote
Know if you read his question he's asking if they were punished before the investigation is finished which makes zero sense. That's people just upset that a cop is being paid before he's found guilty. That's just stupid people being upset about something they don't understand. You cannot punish someone before you're done finding out if they actually are guilty that's why cops are still paid during an investigation because they have not been found guilty yet.
Jsnooots t1_je9d6u1 wrote
I just read an article today about a cop that was busted by internal affairs in a conspiracy to sell drugs in 2015. He went on to film a rape he committed and showed to a bunch of people in 2017.
He is still under investigation today and getting his full salary (over 100k) in 2023.
His own cops busted him and then he promoted his own rape video and he is still getting paid/investigated.
How do you justify this one?
Weedarray t1_je9kcp7 wrote
FU I won’t do what you tell me
Kat_ri t1_je9p7rd wrote
He just really likes the outfits 🙄
AccountantOfFraud t1_je9rvcj wrote
Why they gotta be basement dwellers?
AccountantOfFraud t1_je9st0o wrote
My guy, I don't think local cops are hating on the State Troppers for being white supremacists...
MundaneMaybe t1_je9vra7 wrote
where else would you hide from people?!? people are scary, basement safe, basement quiet, my precioussssssssssssssses
SeparateAddress9070 t1_jea1t6e wrote
Of course they realize it. Most of the force are white supremacists.
whatsasimba t1_jea5bxn wrote
I'm pretty sure the subtext of the comment was, "I'm sure he's crying his eyes out getting paid to not work while his buddies decide his fate." Not sure why you wrote an essay.
farfacogin t1_jea5w2r wrote
They should use this guy to smoke out the nest
mattocaster_tm t1_jeajfuo wrote
When I saw Rage this summer at MSG the place EXPLODED once it got to that part. I’ve been to dozens, maybe over a hundred concerts at this point in my life and I have never experienced anything like it. It was incredible.
theflyingscroll t1_jeajrry wrote
How Dare you!
Bro-Science t1_jealdpw wrote
what's funny is, if you admit that you've taken drugs during your application to be a trooper you are disqualified. yet somehow becoming a drug addict wile on the job is totally fine.
yad76 t1_jearwbi wrote
Quoting capitalist, corporate rock at its worst.
Weedarray t1_jeayh5n wrote
Love it!! I miss taking my sons to concerts
thefudd t1_jeayk0g wrote
so edgy
yad76 t1_jebaxxc wrote
Not nearly as edgy as quoting a 30 year old song by a Sony recording artist.
thefudd t1_jebb7zf wrote
ah yes, the old they're not allowed to have careers and make money off their art angle 🤣🤡
Enormoussky t1_jebnwfr wrote
I'm not anti-cop by any means, but this is a horrible. What happens to all the people he's arrested over the years?
TheRacoonist t1_jebxm6q wrote
That felt so good!! I'd been really needing that moment for a long time
As an aside I totally got covid in that crowd, I was out of commission for a solid week after
Pherllerp t1_je6cv75 wrote
Paywalled. Is there a way around?