Submitted by greenhousecrtv t3_yh3el1 in newjersey
SailingSpark t1_iuc2bds wrote
Reply to comment by onlyme1984 in NJ Clears $1.1 Billion in Ocean Wind-Power Line Projects by greenhousecrtv
Not if towns like Ocean City have their way.
s1ugg0 t1_iud8ie1 wrote
Sustainable energy from aesthetically pleasing power generators bringing permanent well paying jobs. Clearly a threat to the quality of life of Ocean City residents. /s
ImRedditorRick t1_iud8sf0 wrote
These cunts only care about their view.
s1ugg0 t1_iud9mpg wrote
oatmealparty t1_iudchv8 wrote
I never understood why people think wind turbines ruin their view, I think they look great. Most likely just making up excuses to oppose renewable energy, the same way right wingers say shit like "but what about the birds killed by wind energy?" or "but there's so much mercury in CFL bulbs!"
ImRedditorRick t1_iue08es wrote
It's just an insane, moronic argument because there is NO good reason to not go renewable in many cases, but the right had made it a political thing, so they have to latch onto something to explain why they're opposed to it
s1ugg0 t1_iuddfjs wrote
I agree with you. I also like the way they look.
SailingSpark t1_iudrb88 wrote
I work in Atlantic City near the turbines there. I think they look good and they do not bother the view at all. If anything the sewerage plant they are located at looks better because of the turbines.
CapeManiac t1_iufeslg wrote
Jokes on them. Soon enough water front property will be inland enough to not see the turbines.
Comfortable_Vast1946 t1_iuh6fmr wrote
Those turbine blades are not recyclable or biodegradable and end up in landfills, there's more controversy with them i believe.
onlyme1984 t1_iuc2vnb wrote
Guessing that they’re not on board with this
MaxCapricorn t1_iudikuk wrote
I seem to recall driving past a coal power plant on my way in to Ocean City for my entire life. They can take it easy. Wind turbines are definitely an upgrade over that gigantic cooling tower.
SailingSpark t1_iudrhsb wrote
BL England. It was converted from Coal to oil and is now in the process of being torn down completely. They collapsed the cooling tower last month.
Eatcake9 t1_iue0g99 wrote
They wanted to originally convert it to Nat Gas but it would have required a new pipeline directly through the Pinelands.
SailingSpark t1_iue45fu wrote
Yes, and I am glad that got shut down
ophidiophobia_py_dev t1_iudqac7 wrote
Don't worry they'll be under water by then
slibberynibble t1_iudp451 wrote
LBI too so many people have those move them 35 miles out save lbi signs on their lawn
h0w13 t1_iue5qhz wrote
Which is just a ludicrous distance offshore
[deleted] t1_iucver3 wrote
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