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ImRedditorRick t1_iud8sf0 wrote

These cunts only care about their view.


s1ugg0 t1_iud9mpg wrote

I know. And I think they are being stupid. Because if the choice is between this and this it seems like an easy choice to me.

By the way. Both those images are of real, existing power generators here in NJ. So this is literally the choice.


oatmealparty t1_iudchv8 wrote

I never understood why people think wind turbines ruin their view, I think they look great. Most likely just making up excuses to oppose renewable energy, the same way right wingers say shit like "but what about the birds killed by wind energy?" or "but there's so much mercury in CFL bulbs!"


ImRedditorRick t1_iue08es wrote

It's just an insane, moronic argument because there is NO good reason to not go renewable in many cases, but the right had made it a political thing, so they have to latch onto something to explain why they're opposed to it


s1ugg0 t1_iuddfjs wrote

I agree with you. I also like the way they look.


SailingSpark t1_iudrb88 wrote

I work in Atlantic City near the turbines there. I think they look good and they do not bother the view at all. If anything the sewerage plant they are located at looks better because of the turbines.


CapeManiac t1_iufeslg wrote

Jokes on them. Soon enough water front property will be inland enough to not see the turbines.