Algae-Ok t1_itmuwaw wrote
I don’t know about anybody else but once I saw BMW x5 I rolled my eyes. People are reckless out here I commute everyday to queens and people just drive like there is no tomorrow especially in the morning. Stop driving like dicks driving to work they don’t care about you enough for you to kill yourself for it.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_itmvhyw wrote
X5 passengers were thrown from the vehicle. Why would you not wear a seatbelt? They save lives folks.
chewman t1_itmwcoz wrote
I passed both…. First one saw an engine block in the road and a crunched up bmw. Second one was more jarring as I swore I saw the body in the road with a sheet over it…. My commute was 3 1/2 hours this am.
Besides the tragic loss of life, was not surprised to see more important people speeding along the shoulder to “pass” the traffic. Some emergency vehicles we’re blocked briefly by the stupidity…
Alchohlica t1_itn51gl wrote
That happened around exit 81 a few weeks back, basically watched an ambulance get stuck behind lifted trucks on the shoulder fuckin chodes in this county
jnetelle OP t1_itnh8kk wrote
That’s horrible. I can’t imagine seeing the aftermath. By the time I was on the GSP, the State Troopers already blocked off the road at 155. I ended up turning off on 153 and going local to my job. My commute was 2 hours. I read about what happened online later and was shocked.
jnetelle OP t1_itnij0l wrote
That is sad. I wonder if more details about what happened will be released.
Low-Humble t1_ito01ce wrote
I wish we could say that BMW drivers have been driving safely.
PassportNerd t1_itoqm49 wrote
Being a state trooper is super dangerous because of the highways
Apprehensive-Sun-236 t1_itoy3bw wrote
Why is there a pedestrian on GSP?
jnetelle OP t1_itp7nhj wrote
I thought that too. Maybe someone whose car had trouble and they stopped? It’s always a strange sight to see someone waking the highway. It’s so dangerous to do that.
Mercurydriver t1_itp8pcw wrote
And the thing is…we not only accept it, but we encourage it too. One thing I can’t stand about NJ culture is we celebrate unsafe, dick-ish driving. Basically our state attitude toward driving is “Lol doing 80 on the GSP move bitch get out of the way”.
NJ driving culture needs to change. We all make fun of bad NY and PA drivers, but from what I see, our state has a metric ton of bad drivers and practices too.
spicolisbong t1_itq4iml wrote
Agreed. I have often wondered what it would take to change NJ driving culture, then I go out to run an errand and I'm tailgated thru a residential by uptight jerk who is in a hurry to go nowhere. It's a hopeless, aggressive herd mentality out there. Be safe.
Mercurydriver t1_itq6b0k wrote
Nothing will ever change driving culture in our state IMO. Even before Covid we had terrible habits and drivers everywhere. Now we’re in an era where everyone is even more angry and aggressive than before. You honking a horn at a bad driver might get your ass kicked or shot at.
The only way we might change things is if we start making the laws more aggressive and strictly enforce it. But between a general lack of trust in police officers nowadays and even the cops tolerating bad behavior, that’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Snownel t1_itqmheu wrote
>Besides the tragic loss of life, was not surprised to see more important people speeding along the shoulder to “pass” the traffic. Some emergency vehicles we’re blocked briefly by the stupidity…
I would never do it, but sometimes I fantasize of tossing some roofing nails out into the shoulder as I see them coming up. An old biker friend taught me that trick. Same with people barreling past on the shoulder because they can't slip in at the last second out of the exit lanes on 80W in Paterson. Intentionally selfish and dangerous moves like that should really be grounds for a suspension.
stickman07738 t1_itmuvi8 wrote
At that time of the day, GSP is a high speed racetrack with the left lane being 80+. Sad.