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Algae-Ok t1_itcs8rs wrote

Palm trees would like nice


sleepyguy22 t1_itcusoh wrote

Hah! There's someone a few streets over from me who imports a huge palm tree from god knows where every spring, then it inevitably dies in the fall/winter, they tear it out, and the subsequent spring they haul a brand new one. Repeat, every... single... year. It's a bit extra.


sleepyguy22 t1_itcuvct wrote

I love love love my japanese maple.


New_Stats t1_itcuy9y wrote

Japanese walnut always looks nice


stickman07738 t1_itcz01x wrote

None, because I do not like raking leaves.


whippnj OP t1_itd1eso wrote

How do blue wisteria do?


njdba t1_itd4uui wrote

I always liked a flowering pear tree.


Leftblankthistime t1_itdd1pc wrote

I have a dwarf Japanese maple that’s about 15 ft In diameter and black elderberry and holly bush that I keep pruned back to the size of a fifth grade child. I used to have a silver maple volunteer that I kept pruned back as a topiary but had to cut it down because it was too much maintenance.


The_Dogmother65 t1_itdic5g wrote

I have a Dogwood in my front yard, looks lovely in spring and isn’t too big. I believe they’re a native tree for NJ so big plus.


bannonwasright1776 t1_itdz1cn wrote

Dogwoods look amazing for a 2 week span in April.

Japanese maples are beautiful and very popular around here too.


tcron611 t1_ite6wnw wrote

Would recommend anyone reading this not to plant a flowering pear (Cleveland pear, Bradford pear, Callery Pear) - they are incredibly invasive and have poor wolf structure so are being banned in multiple states (but not NJ yet)


NHKBoi t1_itf1ie0 wrote

eastern redbuds - simple & beautiful in the spring perfectly voluminous in the summer