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Algae-Ok t1_ite3mir wrote

I have never heard you can’t file a restraining order for not living with you. You might have to do at the court house in your county.


bloodandpheromones t1_ite7iyc wrote

OP is correct - they don’t have a qualifying relationship under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, which is how NJ does restraining orders. OP, you CAN, while municipal harassment complaints are pending, get the municipal court judge to put a no contact provision into any continuance orders. You can also possibly file a civil complaint for harassment and seek a no contact order through the Chancery division of the Superior Court, but that can be very hit or miss.


SierraSeaWitch t1_ite7p7e wrote

In NJ restraining orders can only be taken against someone with whom you have or had a familial or domestic relationship. This covers most family members but also platonic roommates.


MasterXanthan t1_itended wrote

Then what are you supposed to do if you have a stalker who hasn't lived with you? Are you just screwed?


SierraSeaWitch t1_itenmys wrote

That is a criminal matter that has to be reported to the police and brought to court by a prosecutor. Restraining Orders under the NJ DV act is civil matter (brought by the individual, not a prosecutor). Different laws. Different courts. Different Judges. Different standards.