I moved to Texas almost 3 months ago now, after spending my whole life in NJ, and I just wanted to say I miss NJ dearly. Texas is better than I thought it would be, especially since no one up here looks particularly positively on it, however, really nothing beats NJ. It's so hot here all the time, and it's getting colder gradually, yet I just weirdly miss jackets and fall. Afternoons are still 90º.
It doesn't rain nearly as much, maybe 4 or 5 times since moving here? Everything is so expensive here... yes, I know but I've tracked our groceries and the numbers speak for themselves ... and everything feels so unfamiliar here. The entire culture of the South is so different from the fast life of the Northeast, and there's a level of appreciation I now have for a lifestyle I once amounted as stressed and too crowded. I found myself missing soup the other day too
I just wanted to tell you guys - as a now-Texan, NJ is really something special and since you are on a subreddit for this great state, I assume you feel the same way