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ShiningStarman t1_iy433og wrote

Thank you for the sacrifice. I keep putting off picking up a new shovel.


New_Stats t1_iy43hch wrote

Thank you for your service o7


TheRacoonist t1_iy43s2t wrote

Taking one for the team!!

Thank you 🙌🏼


newwriter365 t1_iy44f6x wrote

Blessings on you and those you love ❤️


baboo512 t1_iy470my wrote

My brand new tires totally agree with you


elmwoodblues t1_iy478ri wrote

Picking up the mantle then? I'll put mine on freecycle and use the garage space for a new bike, thx!


apatheticsahm t1_iy4h685 wrote

I should definitely buy those new snow boots then...


grand_speckle t1_iy4hdjy wrote

Honestly I kinda hope we get a little as crazy it sounds. I like a bit of snow . Wouldn’t be too surprised if we didn’t though on account of recent increasingly mild winters and the purchase of snow gear lol


hopopo t1_iy4hsqt wrote

If that is all it takes, count me in for a $100 a year for you to buy new gear each year.


VaMoInNj t1_iy4m49b wrote

I don't remember last year as much, but 2 years ago the winter was flipping awful.

I was working in logistics management at the time and it was a complete shit show trying to get anything moving because of the weather.


VaMoInNj t1_iy4mjjg wrote

Just let us know the day you accidentally forget the car brush so we can prepare for the blizzard.


IntoTheMirror t1_iy4p7f6 wrote

Yer doin the lords work. Thank you 🙏


MattyBeatz t1_iy4pwui wrote

Happened the year I bought my dad a snowblower for Christmas. Had one mild storm >1”, so I threw a snowball at it just so it remembered what it was there for.


ReturnOfTheFox t1_iy4qsid wrote

Thank you for reminding me to buy a shovel.


ansky201 t1_iy4ru62 wrote

I always laugh when I watch the news after the first snowfall of the year. There is always some reporter at Home Depot proclaiming that all shovels are sold out. What the heck are people doing with their shovels that they need a new one every year. I have shovels that are over 20 years old and still work perfectly fine LOL.


STMIHA t1_iy4sme8 wrote

In case we have any doubters, I’m about to put my snow tires on next week so we should be fine until April.


SpoppyIII t1_iy4z6ml wrote

The fact you spent all that money for us. We did nothing to deserve your sacrifice, yet you gave us so much. Someday children will hear tales of u/ReverseMermaidMorty and how he stepped forward and bought snow-prepping equipment so we didn't have to.


grand_speckle t1_iy4zrac wrote

Yup climate change is what i was getting at there. Don’t get me started on those god awful summer heatwaves lmao they’re miserable. I remember I used to look forward to summer, not so much anymore


SoSoOhWell t1_iy54624 wrote

No no. I got this guy's. I dropped over 400 in prepping my quad and fixing its plow. I'm sure not a flake will stick this winter


SoSoOhWell t1_iy54gcr wrote

Honestly the cheapo blue plastic snow shovels lose their edge after the first storm and are torn to shreds by the third. That's if the handle doesn't come off and need to be sheet rock screwed on through the plastic.


Inukchook t1_iy5bbn3 wrote

I cancelled my driveway clearing up here in Canada so I’m screwed


LaNaranja315 t1_iy5fzxn wrote

Nothing like sitting inside with a hot drink, cozy pajamas, a couple candles burning and Christmas decorations on while it snows outside. I'm also a big sucker for walking around early in the morning or after dark when it's snowing and absolutely no one else is outside. So peaceful and relaxing.


MundaneMaybe t1_iy5g7y0 wrote

Your the real MVP, many blessings upon thee


mcmoonery t1_iy5gny9 wrote

Thank you for your service


TheFuzziestDumpling t1_iy5gtre wrote

>The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take shovels, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good shovel cost fifty dollars. But an affordable shovel, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of shovels Vimes always bought, and wore until the blade was so dull that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good shovels lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a shovel that'd still be keeping his sidewalk dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap shovels would have spent a hundred dollars on shovels in the same time and would still have snow in his driveway. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes "Shovels" theory of socioeconomic unfairness.


notabillionaire__yet t1_iy5hjal wrote

Well at least you wont need to buy new windshield wipers after you accidentally let them go once over the iced up window because you thought it was just slushy and would push it away...but really it was jagged ice that now causes the wipers to get everything except 3 arced lines...


Leftblankthistime t1_iy5l3tw wrote

Dude! TF is wrong with you!?! You don’t say that shit out loud! You totally just jynxed it 🤣


THP_music t1_iy5pctf wrote

I bought my first snowblower when I was married. Left it after the divorce. I would get bombed every winter and curse my luck. Broke down and got another one. It sat in the garage for a year and a half before I had to use it. I was so worried it wouldn't work (never started it).


yobroshot t1_iy5qkcn wrote

That’s fine, as long as it snows next year (month and a half?) because I just bought my first snowblower this weekend. 😩


a_trane13 t1_iy5v65h wrote

It snows like 2-3 times a winter now. A shovel and an ice scraper is all you need, really.


stevenfrijoles t1_iy5yqv4 wrote

Ok, I won't worry

Sincerely, someone who moved to LA


s55555s t1_iy67r8y wrote

I’m fine with snow that melts same day. Yay.


IAmTheLizardQueen666 t1_iy67sql wrote

You’re going to jinx it!

Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!!


grand_speckle t1_iy68s0x wrote

Yeah personally I don’t mind shoveling and snow removal , but I do hear you on the aftermath. That pollution-infused slush mixture isn’t fun for sure

Still though I think the beauty, serenity, and fun snow brings outweighs all that. Especially since it’s slowly becoming more and more rare these days


Secksualinnuendo t1_iy6b6vo wrote

I can confirm. I also bought a snow blower and a bulk order of pet save ice melt.


vrparty t1_iy6crpj wrote

new snow tires on my tiguan. and fully serviced This Beast def not going to snow at all.


jhulbe t1_iy6dcya wrote

I'll be closing on a house in the next month. Debating if I need to go buy a snowblower now or wait.


JudyLyonz t1_iy6gzvp wrote

Thanks for taking one for the team.


soneg t1_iy6i6nw wrote

I just bought my son new snowboots for him to outgrow so you're right, no snow this yr at all.


whyunoleave t1_iy6ihng wrote

Did all of the pre storage maintenance on my garage queen convertible and replaced the battery, wheel bearings, and tires on my 15 year old 200k mile suv at a cost similar to the vehicles value. We are assured no snow.


LezBReeeal t1_iy6jb3z wrote

Christine Todd Whitman, is that you???


Gnik_Baj72 t1_iy6lemw wrote

Bro why are you trying to speak it into existence. Now I have to buy a new shovel.


Away-Cicada t1_iy6lxxj wrote

I have a cheap-ass plastic shovel and a combo snow brush/ice scraper somewhere in my basement. BUT my mom put the salt bag out already so we shouldn't see any snow until February.


Sea_Math_8864 t1_iy6s1hw wrote

Pretty much. It was almost 5 years from the time we purchased our snow blower before we got any snow plow worthy snow in our neighborhood. Everything else was totally manageable by salt. Naturally, when we went to finally use it, it wouldn't start.

Thank you for your purchase. You did a great thing for homeowners and drivers alike.


Chose_a_usersname t1_iy6t3tj wrote

I bought 7 new snow blowers because I didn't want to do any snow removal this year


Soft_Turn408 t1_iy6xhn6 wrote

Shoo, you should have told me that before I spend all this money on Black Friday.


djheat t1_iy73z01 wrote

Fellas I've spent no money winterizing anything, welcome to snowpocalypso 2022


Joe_Jeep t1_iy7u262 wrote

Its not that everyone's buying them, its that everyone who needs one is. They don't have ten thousand snow shovels at every location so its not hard to run out


jollyjam1 t1_iy7wt0l wrote

My shovel has been broken for the passed years, couldn't get one last year when the snow kept coming. Just got a new one this year, I suspect I won't be using it as much.


ReginaPhilange2 t1_iy7yzak wrote

Can confirm. When we moved into our new house I bought my husband a shiny new snowblower. He didn’t even get to use it for two years.


unfilterthought t1_iy85kp8 wrote

I remember i bought mountain creek triple play passes and it never snowed a few years back.


unfilterthought t1_iy86etw wrote

You take a piece of aluminum flat bar stock, maybe about 1/8" thick and you put a nice bevel maybe 30 degrees on it with a dremel, a sander, or even use a rasp/file.

So its you kinda make a chisel edge blade that youre gonna bolt to the front of your snowshovel. It will take all the beating and is replace-able, regrind-able.