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Optimal-Grass-8989 t1_ixm3odj wrote

Edit: Never mind, read next comment regarding the laptop.


BarristanSelfie t1_ixm8ykd wrote

It's not.

I mean, it potentially might have been had the Republican operatives who originally came upon the laptop actually followed the proper channels and taken it to the FBI instead of trying to secure airtime on Fox News, but unless there's some incredible, unassailable trove of incontrovertible incriminating evidence, it's just going to be two years of blowhard bullshit to get more air time on Fox News instead of actually legislating.

Everything on the laptop may as well not exist because it's become so tainted by the chain of possession so as to be inadmissible in any court of law. And the fact that someone of Rudy Giuliani's stature sure-as-shit knows this goes a long way in telling you how big a deal it really isn't.


Optimal-Grass-8989 t1_ixmqx7a wrote

Ok, so I didn’t realize that it’d passed through private hands instead of breaching a proper CoC; that does make a difference. Thanks for the perspective.