Submitted by facktoetum t3_z6kajf in newjersey

We've been doing Shop Rite from Home since the pandemic, and we've had some disappointing results, with poor substitutions, and out of stock items, but nothing compares to this. We ordered 3/4 lb of string beans and they legit gave us one string bean and charged us 5 cents for it.

What was this person even thinking? I'm not even mad, it's hilarious.



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infamousdx t1_iy1xepk wrote

This is hilarious and I experience it often with Instacart. These shoppers are not the brightest of the bunch a lot of the times in my experience.


zstandig t1_iy26226 wrote

Maybe it's all they had and there's some silly policy that they have to attempt to give you what you ordered even if it's ridiculous?

I dunno? Are string beans out of season? Is there extreme rationing? Are they super popular and only so many to go around?

Is one bean really worth 5 cents?

So many questions


ravenlights t1_iy28rjf wrote

Opposite energy of my friend who ordered 6 bananas and received 26


SnooWords4839 t1_iy2axi1 wrote

I have seen some of the workers trying to fulfill orders, these kids look lost.

They look at the handheld, grab an item, scan handheld goes green, and they move to the next item.


Dmrwn t1_iy2dzrx wrote

You're a better person than me. That would infuriate me, haha.

Picking my own fruits and veggies is the main reason I continue to shop in-store.


solesme t1_iy2fuo8 wrote

Lol I don’t know if I would be mad or just die laughing


farfacogin t1_iy2hbxc wrote

ShopRite from home is a scam, they forget things all the time


ciniseris t1_iy2ru30 wrote

I had the same thing happen to me this week. Ordered a 5 pound bag of sweet potatoes, only to discover a single potato when i got home. I laughed hard... people doing the shopping either don't give a shit or are not the brightest.


bgar91 t1_iy2wf1z wrote

They use a 3rd party apparently, what a staff member told me at the PBurg one. I always get just one banana. But this takes the cake.


riche_god t1_iy2y5ff wrote

I once did home delivery with Whole foods. I had about 15 items on the list that was in stock. I only received 5 when I got home. Just to be sure I went to the Whole foods that I placed the order with and sure enough the other ten items were there. A lot times these workers are too lazy too look or ask. It is quite annoying when I tip well.


eeo11 t1_iy32gxg wrote

I had someone tell me they couldn’t find shredded lettuce and then sent me a picture of the frozen food aisle asking if any of those options would suffice. He realized his “mistake” when I asked if he could just go get a head of lettuce from the produce department. Suddenly he found the shredded lettuce. Why on earth he thought it was a frozen food item is beyond me.


emilouwho687 t1_iy39q6r wrote

We’ve gotten mixed results ordering bananas. Sometimes one single banana. I’d write more detailed instructions like ‘4 single bananas’ and get 4 bunches. I stopped ordering bananas and many fruits and vegetables.

I place the online order for 85% of groceries and then run in for fruit, vegetables, and meat because it’s easier. Was also tired of getting random amounts of meats lol


benevenstancian0 t1_iy3c2tm wrote

I’ve done a lot of pickups there for a relative who uses that service. The people who work there seem to be way overburdened with orders. It is always chaos and like 2 people trying to manage it all.


facktoetum OP t1_iy3dzxw wrote

Definitely. Every time I pick up it's the same two or three people. Our pickup window always changes to a few hours after it was originally set, so we order in preparation for that. Our pickup was supposed to be 9am yesterday, ended up being 2:30pm. It doesn't bother me so much. It's not the employees' fault that the operation is so poorly run, but the manager or corporate who likely caps hours and pushes employees beyond effective operation.


GetOffMyLawn_ t1_iy3hjem wrote

I think the worst thing that happened to me is I ordered vegan Indian and they substituted chicken. I now specify no substitutions.

We've gotten some items we haven't ordered, and occasionally they forget something of ours. If it's a big deal I call customer support they take care of it immediately. One time they forgot all the meat, so I called and they Door Dashed it to us right away.


Nature_Escape t1_iy3l9p5 wrote

Lol that’s hilarious! Don’t eat it all in one shot … you’ll get too full! 😂😂😂


bros402 t1_iy3rb90 wrote

we specify no substitutions all the time and shoprite from home substitutes all kinds of shit

they'll pick the most expensive ground beef when we ask for the ground beef on sale

we get one banana when we ask for a bunch

one time we got salami when we asked for cheddar cheese????


doglywolf t1_iy3ugkl wrote

your delivery guy sells weed ! was thinking 3/4 was an once not pounds.

You have a shit delivery guy / shopper but he might be a great new dealer!


Fiddlesticks32 t1_iy3yka1 wrote

Do they still have that ridiculous revolving door that you have to get your cart through? Lived there for a while many moons ago and nearly gutted myself when the whole mechanism stopped and I slammed full force into the handle of the cart. I'll admit I'm not the most coordinated person, but I never suspected the whole thing would just stop.


waukeecla t1_iy4591y wrote

I was on the "opening team" years year years ago at target when they started doing order pick up, and my guess is that by giving you 1 string bean, they either:

a) didn't want to go through the questions to ask what you wanted instead, if they were truly out of string beans, so they can tell the machine, "we gave them string beans" despite just giving you one string bean, passing the burden on you.

b) they picked one string bean, to remind themselves to go in the back and get the rest of them, but than handed the order over to the next person and forgot to follow through. (I used to do this whenever someone wanted say, a dozen boxes of cereal. I didnt want to take all those off the floor, so I would get them from the back stock room.

c) they were bored and wanted to have some fun.

d) the system is incredible bulky and hard to navigate, and their hand held said 1 string bean and they dont get paid enough to fight the computer system

e) they're an idiot or in a rush and just saw 1 string bean on the screen and hit clear


ApolloMac t1_iy4gcau wrote

We always have problems with items that are sold by weight. Deli meats always get screwed up. The app will clearly show 1 lb as the quantity but we'll get 1/4 lb. We just know if we try to adjust for this that will be the time we end up with 4 lbs of meat.

Tomatoes on the vine have been an issue too. The app seems to say its a bundle of 4 tomatoes but we'll end up with just 1 cut off the vine.

It seems like there are certain items where the specifica are left open to interpretation by the shopper.


jarrettbrown t1_iy56fwe wrote

I work for stop and shop in produce and boy, people were annoyed (not pissed) that they couldn't get strawberries before or after Thanksgiving. There's a lot of issues still going on with everything, so yeah... nothing we can do about it. Also, Shoprite still does loose string beans?


valeofraritan t1_iy608ez wrote

Not surprising. Use that particular SR mostly for milk or last minute one item pick ups.


thesturdygerman t1_iy640hv wrote

I’ve never been able to get a delivery slot from my Shoprite, although I stopped trying after 2 years.

I get from Whole Foods, they’re pretty good about subs, they’ll usually DM me in the app and ask if XYZ is okay.