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5uck3rpunch t1_iycukyc wrote

I think Yoda lived there once...


BF_2 t1_iycv06t wrote

They should revise the design for use at the shore: Give it a real hull and anchor it to the site with at least 3 chains to let it float atop the hurricane storm surge.


Agent_Washington t1_iycysca wrote

I'm gonna find this on Zillow for like 550,000 aren't I?


SquirrelEnthusiast t1_iyczdig wrote

There was one in the Outer Banks, NC, but it burned down this year. Poor things.


jerseydevil51 t1_iyd0til wrote

I love it, it looks like it was taken right out of a Fallout game.


jarrettbrown t1_iyd3y8i wrote

There was one in Buxton, NC that burnt down (there's no other way to describe it) recently. The owner has no clue how it happened or what caused it because of the fact that there was no electrical related stuff in there (which I don't believe is true), but man was it sad to see the thing go. Maybe if he didn't turn it into a rat's nest with all the junk he kept in it, it would have been fine.


SpeedySpooley t1_iyd4pn1 wrote

I remember there was one in Toms River back in the 80s that was used as a bank near the ShopRite & Bradlees on 37.

Then there was one in Seaside in the free parking lot.


paleo2002 t1_iyd5xzc wrote

You're going to find a roll of duct tape, 3 boxes of Sugar Bombs, 2 shotgun shells, and a Ghoul in there.

If your hacking is high enough, you'll unlock a computer terminal with a journal entry describing the best TEC sandwich the homeowner ever had.


AdventurousRip9602 t1_iyd6nhl wrote

If I had any cash right now, I would buy that and move it up to my property in Sussex!


Brilliant_Tourist400 t1_iydep37 wrote

I’d love to see this design revived with modern building materials. There’s something wonderfully cheesy about it’s retro-future aesthetic.


bigmphan t1_iydkvjl wrote

Dear God. I just had a 4th grade flashback where a friend of mine had WT Grant “all-stars” and some kids were hassling him over it.

I haven’t thought about Grants in decades.


linusgirl1011 t1_iydlyfh wrote

Honestly, I haven't a clue on that. It's definitely interesting to look at. Being the kind of person I am, I'm really curious what it looks like inside, but it's all boarded up on the entrance/doorway.


TellMeYMrBlueSky t1_iydnci6 wrote

Oh man that Bradlees was always busy in Clark. And the Target is always crazy busy now! Even after they took over the other half of the building (which I think was Marshalls before they moved across the parking lot?) they're always busy when I am there (though these days since I moved I'm only there like once a year).


BS_220 t1_iydsgxk wrote

Is this at millcreek? Looks familiar


Tropicutie t1_iydv0m6 wrote

Does the futuro house at Hancock Harbor Marina in Greenwich count or not?


SeismicFrog t1_iydwzx5 wrote

That one day in 8th grade we all had to wear a tie, Charles’ words cut like a knife that sticks in me to this day…

“Although your tie may be grand, we all know that it’s Caldor brand”

I’m 52 and remember that word for word. Fuck you Charles.


SursumCorda-NJ t1_iydy5rf wrote hometown....Willingboro. SUch a shame the township let "the spaceship" go to shit. The PAL office used to be housed in there.


lacanianmrxist t1_iyectvu wrote

Emerald City! Wondered whatever happened to that place.


dizkid t1_iyeet01 wrote

There's still one in New Egypt.


zoicyte t1_iyeetfc wrote

The land is probably worth $80k by itself. The building may have some intrinsic value if it’s not so busted as to still be salvageable, but it’s so niche that most people might just want to tear it down, so it could work either way.

As far as I can tell the land isn’t even listed and hasn’t been in years. So it’s really anyone’s guess.


A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_iyeq9zw wrote

A trip as a 6 year old to Caldor/Bradlees/K-Mart meant a hot dog, soft pretzel, and a soda or icee for me on the way out of the store. I loved going to one of them.

Saturday was kids bowling league for me though later, they basically had the same lunch counter.