SquirrelEnthusiast t1_iy3hj3e wrote
Correct answer
Psirocking t1_iy3o5l2 wrote
Doesn’t the turnpike have a higher speed limit (not that people follow either)?
jawnlerdoe t1_iy3tb8g wrote
This is the exact reason I take the TP to exit 3 before transferring to 42.
Familiar-Avocado-723 t1_iy3tk1g wrote
At exit 4, 295 and the Tpk exits are very close so that would be the place to cross over. But 295 south of exit 4 sucks and the 295/42 construction can be a massive headache depending on the time of day. On some holidays, 295 south of the construction can be much better than the TPK going south but you still end up merging with all the traffic at the DMB.
coolkait68 t1_iy3wlv3 wrote
The 295/76/42 I terchange that has been underconsteuction for like a decade and the traffic that ensues is why I would stay on the turnpike especially is you are traveling all the way to the bridge
fatandlean t1_iy3zgw4 wrote
Obviously If you're starting north of exit 5 it makes a lot of sense. If you're south, the only reason would be to avoid the 42 interchange which honestly isn't super bad going away from Philly. A lot of volume but it does tend to move. 295 south of that interchange is almost always clear sailing.
storm2k t1_iy3zjwh wrote
295 may have to go down to 55 in places because the design of the road is substandard in some places. but it's mostly 65 on both.
Medical_Penalty_7305 t1_iy45dz9 wrote
Too many LEO's on 295 for me
My_user_name_1 t1_iy57wd5 wrote
Depends on the time. Feel south of 42 i prefer 295 as I can get off easier, as opposed to the Turnpike where I think it is 20 miles between exits 3 and 2
pompcaldor t1_iy8tc1j wrote
I’d stay on the turnpike even when it’s eventually completed, considering that they fucked up constructing it.
css555 t1_iy3ghfj wrote
Although I don't drive through there that often, from looking at past traffic patterns on Google Maps, traffic on 295 around the interchanges with Rt 70...and with Rt 42, is much worse than the Turnpike in that area.