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Piccolo_Known t1_ivdvi9o wrote

How far are you willing to go? It’s south, but Asbury is very LGBTQ friendly


AaronEverett t1_ivdwivp wrote

I would say I'd be willing to go out far that is if Asbury Park has everything nearby then it's no problem for me :)


SnooWords4839 t1_ivdon22 wrote

Many towns are LGBTQ friendly.

My friend's daughter and her wife live in Maplewood.


AaronEverett t1_ivdqrj6 wrote

Thank you I probably wasn't looking hard enough for the LGBTQ friendly towns but I appreciate you telling me. Aww that's very nice! I will look more into Maplewood I am just worried it borders Irvington and Newark.


SnooWords4839 t1_ivdrcrd wrote

My daughter went to Seton Hall and rented in Maplewood for a few years, it's a cute town.


AaronEverett t1_ivdwdn4 wrote

I visit South Orange every few days because I really love the town it's so cute! I haven't visited Maplewood that much but I will add it to my list.


onlyme1984 t1_ive1s1n wrote

When you say lgbtq friendly are you looking for an area that has a known larger population of lgbtq people living there or just that the residents are “tolerant”? I think that most areas (at least in north jersey) are lgbtq friendly. Also, just felt the need to say that it’s almost 2023 and it’s fucked up that people still have to worry about where they live just because of who they choose to love.


AaronEverett t1_ivefr24 wrote

Yes that's what I exactly meant with a known larger population and where residents are tolerant. Unfortunately in Newark people aren't so tolerant of it despite it being somewhat a population of gay people, that's one of the reasons I just want to move away from Newark because my family isn't very tolerant of it. Your absolutely correct I just happened to check and turns out North Jersey does have the most lgbtq friendly towns!


sutisuc t1_ivfe0tt wrote

Yeah despite having a population and resources Newark is indeed not LGBTQ friendly. Would recommend checking into jersey city, maplewood/south orange, Asbury park, Montclair, etc


AaronEverett t1_ivfwrnm wrote

I agree and I've been to Montclair several times just only the lower part of the township. As for south orange I visited there today it's so beautiful! Never been to Asbury park or Jersey City but I will look into those thank you!


PurpleSailor t1_ivjs4dw wrote

Montclair is supposed to be pretty LGBTQ friendly. They have a very active LGBTQ group in town from what I've heard.