SnooWords4839 t1_ivdon22 wrote
Many towns are LGBTQ friendly.
My friend's daughter and her wife live in Maplewood.
AaronEverett t1_ivdqrj6 wrote
Thank you I probably wasn't looking hard enough for the LGBTQ friendly towns but I appreciate you telling me. Aww that's very nice! I will look more into Maplewood I am just worried it borders Irvington and Newark.
SnooWords4839 t1_ivdrcrd wrote
My daughter went to Seton Hall and rented in Maplewood for a few years, it's a cute town.
AaronEverett t1_ivdwdn4 wrote
I visit South Orange every few days because I really love the town it's so cute! I haven't visited Maplewood that much but I will add it to my list.
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