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onelten t1_ixg0g5b wrote

the other thing to keep in mind too is that to you and me this is a rare thing, but to your insurance company this is a daily thing. they work for you, ask them questions if you don’t understand-they’ll explain it to you; just be polite and patient.


perlelaluna t1_ixh4lw0 wrote

Your car insurance does not work for you. Your car insurance works for itself and its profitability. If it can find you partially liable, it doesn’t have to pay you out- or (bonus!) it can even raise your insurance as well. I was rear ended twice in NJ, no fault of mine, one total loss car, and I wish I had just paid for everything out of pocket.


onelten t1_ixh8wda wrote

my experience was different. i was very happy with my company. no doubt some companies put the customer last.


perlelaluna t1_ixhet8r wrote

That would be geico. Ironically, all cars involved in those accidents both times were geico, so there was no winning to be had for them. I guess they just tried to minimize damage to their cash flow.