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5uck3rpunch t1_iye04p0 wrote

I grew up there & prefer to drive in NJ or NYC rather than down here in Dallas, TX.


lawlorlara t1_iye0yxj wrote

I just went back to driving in NJ after a few decades of being carless in NYC and I think what you're saying is true for 95% of drivers, but there's genuinely a contingent who seem to get off on tailgating and will do so in the right lane just for shits & giggles.


sgfymk t1_iye36w1 wrote

So you can just stay in the right lane, and not complain. It’s as easy as you say it is.


DeDodgingEse t1_iye93e2 wrote

The people there are in such a hurry** FTFY (for the limerick to work)


HumanShadow t1_iyebb0k wrote

I think if the fine for sitting in the left lane was as high as a speeding ticket, troopers might be incentivized to enforce a safe flow of traffic.