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t1_ixpbqib wrote

No, no, no. People! We gotta draw the line somewhere. This "hey look, it's a pork roll/Taylor ham sandwich, give me karma" shit has to end. This isn't a name debate comment. We gotta come together and tell people no, you aren't going to abuse us, and the great holiday of Thanksgiving for some karma farming. For fuck sake, it's on white bread that looks like it's from a bag. Like bro, if it's not a kaiser roll or a bagel, it's not acceptable as a breakfast sandwich in New Jersey.

As I write this, it has 121 upvotes. I beg of you my fellow Jersey people, put a stop to this. Say no to such low effort karma farming and especially such low effort sandwiches and take a stand! Speak up and downvote so that actual good posts and good sandwiches make it to the front page.
