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VaMoInNj t1_j2c3rv2 wrote

Having lived in 4 different states, I can say that NJ isn't the worst DMV experience I've had (talking about you Missouri), but it's pretty shitty.

There is nothing that makes me miss living in Virginia more than dealing with a DMV in another state. I don't know how VA does it, but they do it damn well.


traddy91 t1_j2copqi wrote

I lived in NJ and moved to CT and they are equally as assholish


Acer018 t1_j2dlwq0 wrote

The number of assholes will increase in any given population of people as the total of that population increases. There are also people on the periphery of assholehood and these people are also classified as assholish. Given that a large number of DMV clients are immigrants whose grasp of English is limited, the lack of communication skills must exert an extra pressure on the DMV workers. This communication roadblock plus the complications of New Jersey licences and registration procedures will cause assholish tendencies to increase dramatically.