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Ckc1972 t1_j04wd1c wrote

Did they have a dupe of your card to swipe that has no chip? I always use a credit card because you can dispute the charges. I try to never pay with debit.


sirusfox t1_j050kv8 wrote

Honestly, no one should ever pay with debit. They don't even need to dupe your card with a swipe. The backends get breached all the time and numbers get out there. Only thing to do is watch your transactions and dispute what ever doesn't look right


username4username OP t1_j05542j wrote

This is my credit card. I still have the physical card with me, so only the number was stolen. The credit card company could not explain how this happened. All they could tell me was that it was an attempt to purchase gas. Google says the card number can be stolen using a skimmer, then use a magnetic card writer on a blank card to create a cloned physical credit card.


sirusfox t1_j056kec wrote

I'd report it, you know your card is compromised now. Let your bank know and get a new one. You could file a police report and try to get footage, but it may not be worth the effort. Like it or not, its going to be considered a low priority case since nothing was actually stolen, you're not going to be out the money, and the chance the person is the one who actually stole the number is low. Its up to you, just don't get your hopes up too high about the store or police catching the person.


MyNameIsDaveToo t1_j05912a wrote

It's most likely from a gas pump. I get a $1 charge every time (it's a temporary hold that gets removed afterward) prior to the charge for the actual amount of the gas. You absolutely should report it to your CC company (bank) if you don't recognize it.


storm2k t1_j05ayxv wrote

sadly skimmers are a regular fact of life, especially on things like gas pumps. wawa has the ability to add your card to their app and pay for your gas that way, which is both safer and also they usually do discounts with it.


g_ppetto t1_j05f20l wrote

Your card numbers may not have been stolen at Wawa. Could have happened months ago, the number may have been sold a few times, and now, or rather right before now, was when they decided to use your card numbers. I would contact your CC company asap, ask for the fraud department, and review the recent purchases made with the card. See if they are all your purchases.


username4username OP t1_j05g8ey wrote

I reported it to the bank and they offered to cancel my card. I hadn’t canceled after the first attempt because my card’s expiration date is approaching, so I thought I would receive a new card soon regardless.


MyNameIsDaveToo t1_j06dnz3 wrote

It depends on your usage. I had fraudulent charges show up on a card that I had only used once in 6 months, at a liquor store. I informed the bank of this fact when reporting the fraudulent charges, since it was the only possible place the card info could have been stolen from.


titusmorlad t1_j06hovw wrote

Looks like the card was cloned


RafeDangerous t1_j06pzl2 wrote

> Google says the card number can be stolen using a skimmer, then use a magnetic card writer on a blank card to create a cloned physical credit card.

This is almost certainly what happened. The last time I had this, I used my card at a restaurant in Ridgewood and within 20 minutes I got pings that it was being used (and declined) at stores in Paramus and Ramsey. Luckily this was back when I used a Google Wallet card, so I'd only keep a few bucks on it and transfer amounts onto it as needed for exactly this situation. My guess is that the waiter in the restaurant skimmed the card and gave it straight to a couple of friends to try to use it right away, but Ridgewood PD refused to look into it and when I tried to give the restaurant owner a heads-up that someone was skimming cards in the place she just screamed at me over the phone and said nobody there would ever do that. At this point I almost never use a physical card anymore to avoid this crap.


lost_in_life_34 t1_j06u3ux wrote

your card got cloned somewhere where you had to swipe it. this is why i use apple pay or pay for gas via the app


ridiculouslygoodlook t1_j08nqbx wrote

PNC has had an issue over the last few months. Check with your local branch


beeps-n-boops t1_j08y9hn wrote

> I try to never pay with debit.

I refuse to use my debit card anywhere other than an ATM, and preferably one associated with my bank.

Just way too fucking risky to use it anywhere else.


cptmphil t1_j08zy0f wrote

A little $$$ in your pocket could have save a whole lot of trouble… save the cards for the big stuff