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tony_boxacannoli t1_j2ajjrd wrote

I might be wrong...but I would think any vinyl shop would have what you want or be able to get it for you. There aren't that many vinyl shops around any more.

A quick Google search found this site with 20 +/- shops:


deviantkindle t1_j2bz28k wrote

I noticed Somerville's own Mono Mono wasn't listed on your vinylworld list.

Nice little vinyl store (and I do mean "little"). Don't remember seeing much of any electronica when I was last there. The owner seems to have been involved in the local (state-wide) music scene for decades and is rather gregarious, especially if you know anyone in the local music scene. Has he got stories...!

Plus, once you leave Mono Mono, you'll be in Somerville with all its' great restaurants. :-)

N.B. He seems to keep odd store hours, so call before heading up to see if he's open and has an inventory that interests you.


tony_boxacannoli t1_j2d9x7o wrote

I was curious about how many vinyl shops were still out there. The list I posted was just the first website that popped up - I have no idea how current or accurate it is.

It was not meant as a snarky "let me google that for you" comment...and it looks like some folks may have taken it that way. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I also discovered Bleeker Bob's in the Village has been closed for quite some time...I don't know where OP is - that would have been one of my 1st stops...but Bobs dead 💀 and the storefront is now a sushi place.