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storm2k t1_j0c9uy1 wrote

why is it always gray/silver cars that blend into the rain and mist who won't do it either.


Pkmatrix0079 t1_j0caoad wrote

We live in the era of automatic headlights, and it's STILL a thing! I can only assume now that people are actively turning their headlights off when it's raining.


ansky201 t1_j0cbb01 wrote

Sometimes it just depends on the car. My headlights are set to "Auto" but sometimes there is still enough light when it's raining that it does not trigger the headlights to turn on automatically. There should be a setting that automatically turns your lights on when the wipers are turned on. I don't know if any car models have this or not.


MeatierShowa t1_j0cd89t wrote

I see a lot of people who don't even turn on their lights at night. And it's not just folks with Daytime running lights on, I am talking no lights at all.


michaelcreiter t1_j0ceuj0 wrote

some think the daytime running lights are sufficient when they are not


css01 t1_j0ch7z5 wrote

Automatic headlights are a double edged sword. I see more people than ever with no tail lights on in the rain because they think the automatic headlights are sufficient


MrRob_NJ t1_j0chiei wrote

They're on a stealth mission


FoodnEDM t1_j0cik73 wrote

Don’t have passports and not left their town in NJ.


newwriter365 t1_j0cjgvf wrote

How about remembering to turn them on when they leave the house at 6am in December? I followed a guy for miles this week (no passing opportunity) lights on.

I just can't with these people...


KooyaDonDon t1_j0cllev wrote

Yes please everyone turn on your headlights when it's raining. I actually got a ticket on Route 46 once when it was just a drizzle. Couldn't pay it online, had to attend a Zoom with the judge and waited almost 2 hrs for my turn and then was pay online.


SailingSpark t1_j0cmerb wrote

How about we just say some New Jerseyans still can't use their lights correctly. Not only do they forget to turn them on in the rain or at night, but quite a few have no idea how to turn off their highbeams


coreynj2461 t1_j0cx4pq wrote

Understand business hours. We open at 8 so dont complain when we dont open the door for you at 7:50. Had a Karen the other day do this


ThrowAway072343 t1_j0d430n wrote

I want to live where you live then! I have these friggin idiots with their LED headlights on friggin high beam mode 24/7.


ErrorAcquired t1_j0d5u0q wrote

I can always tell a junker/old car when the lights aren't automatic lol


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j0d65gr wrote

My new company has a new policy to open 5 min early and and close 5 min late... it makes no sense to keep doors open longer when we are still getting prepared or preparing to close... we don't get paid either for opening earlier.


Summoarpleaz t1_j0d9rak wrote

Tbf whenever I valet or whatever my car, sometimes it’s switched from auto to off. But the daytime running lights are so bright I don’t realize my main lights are not on.


jackystack t1_j0dae0n wrote

NJ used to be a great state to drive in with some congestion in certain places being the biggest issue, despite friendly motoring.

Anymore, it's a bunch of unsupervised aggression and stupidity.

Use headlights in poor weather, stay to the right unless passing, use your turn signals and don't be an asshole ....


Danaconda813 t1_j0de6yp wrote

Even more fun are the ones who think putting on your hazards is a good idea.

It's not. Don't do that.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j0def11 wrote

Idk why you downvoted me? Also nah could be far worse it's just a bad trend I think, also it won't be publicly listed on something like Google or our website if you search our hours so it's not like it impacts us too much.


beeps-n-boops t1_j0dttve wrote

Those are DRLs. Not automatic headlights.

Not sure why the government only mandated front-facing DRLs, but hopefully it's beyond obvious now that they have to change the regs.

But, really, fuck DRLs. IMO all cars should have their full lights on at all times when running, and off when not (i.e. turn off the engine and the headlights automatically go off, so no one forgets and leaves them on).


sonnyboy1959 t1_j0dupuy wrote

Also we've had right turn on red for about 50 years but evidently many are not aware.


ImRedditorRick t1_j0dy7ch wrote

For the first time in like 5 years but i left for work around 530 the other day and while still in my neighborhood, someone in the oncoming lane didn't have their lights on. I turned mine off and in a few times and they actually turned theirs on. Omfg. Is this what heroes feel like?


jEsTsBaCk t1_j0e2ayy wrote

And this is the problem right here. People who aren’t used to seeing the daytime running lights think that’s their headlights. But those people are still dumb as shit because you should always check. I hate dumb people.


specialp t1_j0e6wtl wrote

Agree that it’s Taylor ham.. I mean come on already

Edit: Haters gonna hate.


Summoarpleaz t1_j0e7as0 wrote

Yeah it’s true. I’m a dum dum. But I now check to make sure I have the right setting when it rains or is dark. But I’m just saying it’s not unfathomable to think it’s easy to overlook. But you’re right that I’m not the brightest; can’t argue with that lol.


12kdaysinthefire t1_j0ed1h5 wrote

It’s the same story in PA. I was just thinking of the last NJ thread about this while driving around today, came home to a new one today lol.


HavingALittleFit t1_j0ej013 wrote

Believe that there's self check out machines, order a blueberry muffin without pointing to the specific one under the glass they want, let someone finish a sentence without interrupting, go apple picking without acting like they're being personally victimized by their spouse, park


Street_Day3698 t1_j0eu81f wrote

Literally almost crashed the other day because of this. Was making a left turn onto a busy road and not only was it raining, but the sun had almost completely set and so it was pretty dark. I see all the cars pass and think that I can make the turn, but literally half way into the turn I notice a car passing 10 feet in front of me and almost sh*t my pants. Idiots driving without headlights on not only in rain but at NIGHT!!! Get your license revoked please


nacho78 t1_j0fcx88 wrote

Yield or Merge into a highway


lykewtf t1_j0g64k5 wrote

Take the Trump Flags off the back of their pickups.


nancymeadows242 t1_j0gaprx wrote

Every car I've had with auto headlights had an indicator on the dash to signal when the lights are on.
Even if some cars do not, it is your responsibility as a driver to check to make sure they are on.. but that is asking too much these days


leksoid t1_j0ghom1 wrote

... yield to pedestrians


notuguillermo t1_j0gu9dz wrote

I can’t drive half the time because of people’s headlights blinding me, I would probably have to fully stop driving if all headlights were on all the time, lol

Maybe we could get some legal limits on how bright headlights can be at the same time and solve both problems though


beeps-n-boops t1_j0h0frd wrote

I don't disagree. Ditto those insanely bright digital billboards and store signage.

We have noise ordinances, we need light ordinances as well.

Edit: just drove past a pickup with one of those super-bright LED lightbars across its grill. Those fucking things should be 100% illegal outside of off-road and emergency use.


yerrrio t1_j0h2jzs wrote

Move tf over to the left when they’re making a left turn


dun-ado t1_j0h3b4m wrote

> Even though headlights are most effective at night and during inclement weather, research is showing that they do make vehicles more visible to other motorists during a clear day as well. While each study varies, some have noted that headlight use during the day has resulted in a reduction of accidents by up to 10%. The types of accidents which were prevented were more significant, however.


Raptorman5174 t1_j0h479z wrote

My car has active headlights, so they turn on when its dark or when my wipers are on


resisting_a_rest t1_j0hfmtu wrote

I believe it is because so many people don't turn their headlights on at all.

This is due to them going on automatically once it gets dark enough.

If it is raining during the day and it is not dark enough to trigger the headlights, then they don't go on.

And because people are used to never having to turn them on, they don't think to turn them on when it's raining.


healthybdysicmnd t1_j0huzf8 wrote

My daytime running lights are annoyingly brighter than my headlights so I tend not to worry about being seen during rain.


AnynameIwant1 t1_j0i1ffn wrote

My 2013 Honda Accord turned the lights on automatically when the wipers were on. People have to be turning them off intentionally or never leaving them on "auto". I manually turn mine on even when it is slightly darker due to clouds or whatever (like today). No one can ever say they didn't see me.