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Slavic_Dusa t1_j15b9md wrote

Will in the future, Muslim, Hindu, and Christian (Catholic and Orthodox) holidays get the same attention?


UnguentSlather t1_j15cm0o wrote

Yo, thereā€™s no shortage of public energy spent on christian holidays in NJ.


TheZachster t1_j15r0ri wrote

one day, our society will find enough courage and understanding to be able to publically celebrate christmas.


UnguentSlather t1_j16tzqt wrote

LOLLLOLOL - yes for sure. ā€œOne dayā€ weā€™ll have christmas decorations up on every street and christmas songs on every speaker in public malls and courtyards and christmas specials, episodes, and movies on every channel from October to January. Pretty sure that one day is now and has been ongoing. Donā€™t worry - christmas seems like itā€™s enjoying a very strong public celebration.


Slavic_Dusa t1_j15d5ml wrote

Fair enough, how about Muslim and Hindu. Also, non-believers. For example, today is a winter solstace.


HobbitFoot t1_j19alx6 wrote

We're beginning to see more Diwali celebrations popping up, with public fireworks and other showing of lights.

As for Muslim holidays, I don't think Eid al-Fitr has a public festival component, but there will usually be extra sweets at work.


rollotomasi07071 t1_j15cvfv wrote

That was a very hateful comment. Why did you deliberately leave out Shinto, Sikhism, and Confucianism?


Slavic_Dusa t1_j15f7lw wrote

Fair enough, there is something every single day that could and should be honored, but it isn't. I mean what about the Festivus for the rest of us?

I personally like r/newjersey because it is about NJ, and so far, it didn't let religion rear its ugly head. I sincerely hope it continues like that.

There is so much devide in our society. North vs South (everyone knows Central NJ doesn't exit). Pork roll vs. Taylor ham. Libtards vs Trumptards.

We don't need to open new can of worms.


hfhifi t1_j19cv7f wrote

What are you talking about? Outside of NY/NJ, Southeast Florida and Los Angeles, Americans donā€™t even know what Hanukkah is. Christmas is a Federal Holiday! You live in a tiny geographical pocket of America where Hanukkah is embraced by all.


Slavic_Dusa t1_j19h0eu wrote

I'm talking about this sub in particular. Up until this moment, sub was free of religion. My question is clear: Will this condition continue to include all relevant religions and nationalities that use this sub?


hfhifi t1_j19igsj wrote

This sub is full of religious references unfortunately. How many thousands of commenters have pointed their fingers at Lakewood? It only means one thing. I donā€™t disagree with them but those comments are all about Jews.


Slavic_Dusa t1_j19n3qm wrote

That has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the post or my comment.