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6Emptybottles t1_j14nkbd wrote

I usually justify going to Edison for the seafood. Its worth the time and effort for the selection. I get there at 8am because of how bad that parking lot is.


mikeyd1276 t1_j14peis wrote

Haha. I grew up near what was then Kilmer Plaza. That parking lot was terrible when it was Tops and Acme. Could only imagine it now!!


jls919 t1_j1743av wrote

Same! I remember consistently seeing car accidents at the entrance of Tops Plaza (as I knew it). My family used to go there for AC Moore and Hollywood Video ☺️


6Emptybottles t1_j14q9v6 wrote

Tops appliances!!! Wow... that's a name from the past. I'm not from around there but remember the name. It is an awful parking lot with all the stores there.