Submitted by JimmyKastner t3_zuxnp8 in newjersey
multigrimlok t1_j1lytua wrote
They had good cameras back then!
floofymonstercat t1_j1m0irp wrote
Let's go! Kill those hung over Hessians.
s1ugg0 t1_j1m0x4i wrote
New Jersey. Where if you start trouble we'll shoot you in your sleep on Christmas.
Mr_Matt_K t1_j1m1aqo wrote
I don't blame them for taking a boat. The Washington Crossing Bridge is so frickin' narrow, I scratched the mirror on my dinky Honda Fit on there.
earlymountainrain t1_j1m296v wrote
is this a duplicate account for u/JKastnerPhoto
peter-doubt t1_j1m2f86 wrote
In the 1770s, the winters were exceptionally cold.
In 1778-79, Washington was encamped at Morristown. They had about 20 blizzards that winter. That's more than one per week.
JimmyKastner OP t1_j1m2ice wrote
It's still the same me. That account keeps getting flagged for spam and I had a permaban (that was resolved). Perhaps it's time for a fresh start.
soiboughtafarm t1_j1m7ad8 wrote
For the first time since I moved so close to the Delaware there is actually ice on the river during Christmas. So they they finally got to do a historically accurate (cold) reenactment.
murse_joe t1_j1mas55 wrote
The original was in black and white tho
DonutsAreCool96 t1_j1mdaom wrote
Not to mention half of the soldiers did this operation without shoes over the course of several days
Nenoshka t1_j1mgzot wrote
Is this from today? My grandmother used to live in Trenton a few blocks from where they reenacted this every Christmas morning, and my uncle would take us down to watch.
EthanonEarth t1_j1mljkx wrote
And drones
BentonD_Struckcheon t1_j1mncy2 wrote
FYI the Hessians weren't hung over, they were TIRED, because the NJ militia had been harrassing them without mercy. GW knew this and took advantage. There was a storm that night which provided a screen for them so that they were practically on them before they knew what was up.
Garden_Statesman t1_j1mni2f wrote
Love it! I definitely want to get there for the reenactment one of these years. I bet 2026 will be wild.
Zacharacamyison t1_j1mxqpr wrote
you can find the second half of this photo in the delaware subreddit
Background_Brick_898 t1_j1n17uz wrote
I need a tricorn hat.
[deleted] t1_j1n35gi wrote
RiverToTheOcean t1_j1n53h1 wrote
I bought great history tshirt for this time of year (Washington Crossing the Delaware -Jersey) ‘Americans. Will cross a frozen river at Christmas to kill you in your sleep. Not kidding. We have done it before.’
SPQR2D2 t1_j1ndnje wrote
I ALWAYS forget to go to this. And I live only one town away. The only year I managed to remember, they canceled it.
OttomanTwerk t1_j1ngpg6 wrote
Why do we pretend like it was the Atlantic. Its like a quarter mile wide where he crossed. He probably didn't have enough time to button all the buttons on his jacket.
AmericanoWsugar t1_j1nhutq wrote
AmericanoWsugar t1_j1nhz3f wrote
They had shoes: snow shoes
RackhamJack t1_j1njhqh wrote
We were gonna go this year but decided it was too cold.
Cool_Cartographer631 t1_j1nl2w9 wrote
This was taken from space back then. Only recently got a copy
logan44man t1_j1nnnzr wrote
Is this a real pic?
Gloomy-Astronomer529 t1_j1nt2vn wrote
Artystrong1 t1_j1nuvdg wrote
Historically accurate picture
ZaddyAtty t1_j1nuvej wrote
time to go murder some Hessians
logan44man t1_j1nv8un wrote
Looks real
Skyhouse5 t1_j1nxdu2 wrote
"There’s only one way for us to win this , Provoke outrage,... outright, Don’t engage, strike by night Remain relentless ‘til their troops take flight
Make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight Outrun, Outlast Hit ‘em quick, get out fast ,
Stay alive ‘til this horror show is past
We’re gonna fly a lot of flags half-mast"
NewbornXenomorphs t1_j1nxjzl wrote
Asking the same question because the Delaware had chunks of ice in it as of 10am this morning when I drove by, and I don’t see any in this shot.
OfficerGenious t1_j1nyihk wrote
... that was the joke.
NewbornXenomorphs t1_j1nyl9s wrote
LOL, I have family that live right down the street from that bridge but my husband hates it so much that when we visit from Brooklyn we go over 202 and drive through New Hope to avoid it.
JimmyKastner OP t1_j1o14ik wrote
JimmyKastner OP t1_j1o1gwe wrote
Or perhaps I have a great time machine.
JimmyKastner OP t1_j1o1n5z wrote
This was from 2015. It was a fairly warm day that year.
JimmyKastner OP t1_j1o1q2u wrote
This was from 2015. It was a warm day.
SoulofThesteppe t1_j1o3lzv wrote
Ooooo Nice photo. :)
Wolfir t1_j1o5lr5 wrote
Let's all find a happy german who has been celebrating christmas, drunk and happy . . . and then stab him with a bayonet while he sleeps
guacamole579 t1_j1px53e wrote
Raise a glass!
adiabatic-mind t1_j1qxmo9 wrote
I've been wanting to see this for a few years. Awesome shot
sutisuc t1_j1v3yjg wrote
Wasn’t it 79-80?
peter-doubt t1_j1wgjoe wrote
There were 4 that were similarly bad... Washington was in Morristown several winters
sutisuc t1_j1whb9y wrote
79-80 was the particularly bad one though. Looks like he was in middlebrook for 78-79
StrategicConch t1_j1lyqvf wrote
Wow they must be freezing, very historical lol