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[deleted] OP t1_j1syr67 wrote

There actually is a town called Dog River, but it's a ghost town; nobody lives there anymore, though it's a nice place to visit. Wullerton isn't a real place, so you're just further perpetuating the stereotype that Americans are bad at geography. I went to Carleton and graduated from there this year and I'm getting a job in Newark. I'm not sure where this hostility comes from, we Canadians are quite capable of getting jobs in the States. We're not some magical creatures that ride polar bears to get to work.


[deleted] OP t1_j1szz0l wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j1t0mec wrote

I lived in a small town about an hour away from Carleton; hence I've been in a small town for most of my life. I actually finished a good chunk of my schooling online, so I only ever spent four semesters in Carleton. You can look up how long Carleton went online if you don't believe me. So I've actually never lived in a big city before.


[deleted] OP t1_j1t1au2 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j1t1uxd wrote

People are allowed to move to different provinces for education in Canada and come back to their town in the summer. Not sure how that boggles your mind?