Fameless t1_j210mrg wrote
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MrRob_NJ t1_j214y6a wrote
ececavas OP t1_j21725v wrote
Correct. Worked wonders
hopopo t1_j219hnt wrote
I have one in my neighborhood as well. What is the name of commission?
newwriter365 t1_j21faru wrote
Board of Public Utilities.
hopopo t1_j21fp1a wrote
newwriter365 t1_j21psmv wrote
You’re welcome!
Cherabee t1_j21ztl0 wrote
Glad we could help!
sentient4good t1_j27g8om wrote
Wow! We resorted to calling our Senator's office. Verizon is THE WORST when it comes to fixing poles and wires.
peter-doubt t1_j20usvs wrote
How did you get them to notice your kick in the pants?