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[deleted] t1_j1z9qg8 wrote



cerialthriller t1_j1zoek0 wrote

I’m in and out in 5 mins on the weekend at my dispensary. You order online and they text you when your order is ready and you just go pay for it at the desk and you’re done.


jEsTsBaCk t1_j20gpsf wrote

And sign up to get them points! Just got a free eighth :)


rockmasterflex t1_j2082t2 wrote

Your final statement is absolutely incorrect. The demand for a guy wanting a six pack is universally high, but so is supply.

The only reason there are lines is the lack of businesses selling it. The constraint on supply.

You can continue to thank politicians for this because they only want the “Amazons of weed” to win, not small businesses.


tohon123 t1_j21eamp wrote

agreed small businesses can’t afford a weed license


TheManAccount t1_j23deao wrote

Facts. I’ve waited in longer lines for releases at Magnify brewing than I ever had at any north Jersey dispensary for rec sales.


TheRacoonist t1_j1zbu6s wrote

I have not once waited on any line or spent more than 15 minutes getting in and out of my local dispensary or the one other I've been to in state


[deleted] t1_j1zc2h1 wrote



vincebarnes t1_j20uica wrote

Bellmawr has lines all the time and the selection is not great.


ThereAreDozensOfUs t1_j20wezr wrote

The only time for me that Bellmawr has been bad was start up and this last week. Monday wasn’t great. I usually go during the day when I have off and the line is less than 5 mins.

Tell me about the selection. I haven’t had an issue with the selection. I usually just grab 1/8 of something cheap, some edibles, and go on my way


loctastic t1_j1zik7b wrote

The one time I tried the zenleaf by the seaview square mall, the line was insane. I didn’t bother waiting (I’m a PA card holder, I just wanted to check it out)


warrensussex t1_j2124r6 wrote

There's only 30 dispensaries, medical and recreational, in the state. Over 1,500 liquor stores and over 7,000 bars/restaurants. If there were only 30 places in the state to buy alcohol there would be a civil unrest and the hospitals would be full of alcoholics going through withdrawal.


The3mpyrean t1_j1zm1vm wrote

Or dedicate a failing industrial, commercial area to be redone as “weed” mall. I.e like santa Ana in CA does. Most of dispos are in one industrial area.

Instead of putting a strip mall on route 27 that will fail, put a large parking lot with 3 dispos next to each other.


Snownel t1_j20d6c0 wrote

Huh? What's the point of 3 dispensaries right next to each other?


The3mpyrean t1_j20fjia wrote

Whats the point of Mcdonalds, wendys and burger king on the same corner? Its burgers anyway.


Snownel t1_j20fri8 wrote

Can't drive when you got the munchies for all three, my friend.


The3mpyrean t1_j20hb7f wrote

If you put AYR, Zen Lead and Apothecarium next to each other, assuming Kind Tree is higher quality than the other two.

You’d go to apothecarium unless the other two would either offer better prices OR better quality than Kind Tree/Cookies. Ayr and Zen would be forced to either drop prices or improve their quality.

Now when selection of dispos are very minimal, you go to either the one thats closest to You, or the one thats reasonably close but sells cheaper.

But knowing NJ and that those 4 co’s run the scene, you’d have price fixing. (Which is what’s happening now.)


The3mpyrean t1_j20ftsr wrote

That came out way more passive aggressive than i thought it would.

Creates more competition, which in turn THEORETICALLY should lower prices, increase product quality and force those dispos to sell quality stuff, otherwise your potential customer will just go next door who’ll sell it for better price and better quality.


IronSeagull t1_j212nb7 wrote

Right now we need more dispensaries distributed throughout the state before we need more in the same places.


polchickenpotpie t1_j1zq73n wrote

But think of the children! They'll just walk in there and buy weed! /s


meatball402 t1_j20xel6 wrote

>Comparing a dispensary to your local liquor is not a good analogy that many lawmakers are using. The demand for recreational weed is massive compared to the guy who wants a 6-pack.

There's so many differences, and they are all imposed by legislature.

Theres no chance they would allow more than one dispensary in most towns, where there are 3 to 4 liquor stores in any given town (at least, there's usually more. A lot more)

There's fewer restrictions on homebrewing alcohol, which can literally kill you if done incorrectly.

People will come out against a dispensary before they come out against another liquor store.